Cheat Address Converter for PS2 Cheats
Version 0.8.0 has been released.

Date            Version   Description

Oct. 11, 2014   0.8.0     Supported several modes of comparison
                          in the Offset Finder screen:
                            - Compare between rows in (Codes) A and (Codes) B
                            - Compare between rows in (Codes) A - Absolute
                            - Compare between rows in (Codes) A - Relative
                            - Compare between rows in (Codes) B - Absolute
                            - Compare between rows in (Codes) B - Relative

                          Added the Reset Color context menu.

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Version 0.8.1 has been released.

Date            Version   Description

Oct. 24, 2014   0.8.1     Fixed a bug of the offset finder features
                          that treated the first row as a base address
                          regardless of whether there is a code or not.


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