Multi Converter - Cheats decrypter/converter/editor and much more
I decided to create my own converter(it doesn't require anything,.net,redistributable and so on)

  • Convert RAW codes to pnach format
  • Can remove the pnach formatting(useful when dealing with incorrectly decrypted codes or want to use them on some cheating device).It support all formats(byte,short,word and extended),but normally byte\short\word codes are rarely compatible with extended mode(extended mode uses the first digit of the address for byte size info)
  • All commented pnach codes get uncommended when converting from pnach to raw
  • Placing pnach codes into the RAW side will comment all of the codes(useful if you want to comment all of the codes and enable only some of them)
  • If "gametitle=" exist in the raw/pnach side,it will automatically be added to the Game Title text box when clicking a button to convert the codes
  • Have progress bar and percentage to know how far the converting is done
  • Can save the converted codes to pnach file.
  • Pressing Escape closes the program.

Version 2.3 Released
  • It seems PCSX2 and GSdx are using different names now and because of this,v2.2 will not work on those betas of pcsx2(download this only if the program don't work correctly on the pcsx2 version you use(this happens since some beta of pcsx2 1.3)
Version 2.2 Released
  • Just a tinny can change the font and font size of the save state preview window
    Two lines will be added to the settings file
    FName - for the font name
    FSize - for the font size(don't go overboard because with big values it may look weird)


Version 2 released
  • The update on the pnach side(when converting from raw to pnach)is done when the process finish(this decrease the cpu 10% here)
  • If you are playing a game(the game window is active or the emulation is paused)if this is the first game started since pcsx2 is started,when starting the converter,the converter will add the game name and crc to the CRC: and Game Title: fields

Version 3 released
  • Small changes to the GUI(not really visible)
  • Cancel button to stop the converting process(RAW to Pnach)
  • Support dropping .pnach and .txt files  with raw codes.If the dropped file is txt,it will be added to the RAW side,if it's pnach,it will be added to the side on which you dropped the file(raw or pnach).Also,dropping .pnach files,automatically add the game title and crc to the game crc and game title fields
  • Version number at the lower right

Version 4 released
  • Now the converter get the game crc of the last started game,so you can start as many games as you want one after another without restarting pcsx2 and the converter will always get the crc of the currently running game.
  • BugFix: The progress bar and percentage was not working
  • Few GUI update changes
  • Middle clicking over any editbox clear the content of it

Version 5 released
  • BugFix: If long lines exist in the raw\pnach side,the percentage and progressbar show incorrect status when the converting is done
  • Changed: Now when middle clicking on the pnach side,it will also reset the progressbar and percentage
  • Changed: The converter don't load the game crc and title at startup while pcsx2 is running.Added two buttons for that(on the raw and pnach side).
  • Added: If Codes for the current running game exist in the cheats folder,clicking the load button will also load the cheats to the side depending on which button you click

Version 6 Released
  • Changed: Since the program started to get more and more features,now we need to use settings file.
    Upon starting the program a message box will appear asking you to select the PCSX2 directory...this is needed because some new features need this and some existing work better that way.

  • Changed: When saving cheats,the editor automatically navigates to your cheats folder so you can directly save there or change the location if you want.

  • Added: The game title edit box is now combobox which works as before but now it have a drop down list which contains all of your cheats(pnach files)in the cheats folder and for names it use the game name,not the file name(the game crc)...the list is sorted alphabetically
    Once you select a game from the list,just press the Load button on the side you want to load the cheats.

    If pcsx2 is currently running,loading cheats(from the dropdownlist box)for other games is not possible.While pcsx2 is running,other features takes priority(getting the current running game crc and title and loading cheats for the current game if cheats exist for it in your cheats folder when pressing the load buttons)

  • Added: Using the mouse wheel over either of the Load buttons will switch between items(up and down)in the dropdownlist box and load them depending on which load button the mouse is over

  • Added: Because the cheats list and the game list share the same editbox,when typing the game name,if a pnach exist that share the same game name(gametitle=),a prompt will appear asking you if you are sure.

    This is because if load existing cheats from the list and then paste raw codes,the game title field will still be with the last loaded pnach\cheats name and if you are not careful,you may end up with cheats for some game but the title to be for some other game.
    The message is just a precaution.
    If you are dropping .pnach files or txt file with raw codes which contains "gametitle=" in the first line and there is no existing pnach file that uses the same game title,that prompt won't appear

  • Note: Pnac files(from your cheats folder)that don't have "gametitle=" in the first line of the pnach file will be added to the list as
    [No Name] - The CRC

PS.I made a lot of rewriting so any bug reports are appreciated...also if you want to change the pcsx2 directory,just edit the Settings.ini file or delete it.

Version 7 Released
  • One small change that still deserves the update.
    If you place the converter in the pcsx2 directory,you won't need the settings file.

Version 8 Released
  • BugFix: Clicking on the Load buttons in certain condition will show error messages
  • Added: A tooltip when clicking on the load button when no cheats are founded and on couple other place
  • And so minor fixes

Version 9 Released
  • Major Feature: Now the converter support converting any encryption type codes(that omniconvert support)to raw and then to pnach.
    Just place any of the omniconvert supported code formats into the RAW side,choose the correct encryption of the codes and click on the Decrypt button.

    The converter will start omniconvert(you need to download the version I'm posting)as hidden process(no visible windows),convert the codes,place them into the converter raw side and close omniconvert...just like using gui for dos program.

  • Added: Upon starting the converter,couple of things may happen:
    1.If the converter is in the pcsx2 folder but omniconvert is not,a message will appear asking you what you want to do
    Yes - choose the omniconvert location...settings file will be created pointing where the omniconverter is.

    No - will create settings file containing that you don't want to use the decrypting part(to get that message again,delete the OmniPath= from the settings file)so every time you start the converter,both the drop down list and the decrypt button will be inactive

    Cancel - Act as no but don't save settings and ask every time until you place the omniconvert in the same directory as the converter,choose the location of omniconverer or decide to not use the feature

    2.If both pcsx2 and omniconvert are in the same directory as the converter,no settings will be created

  • Since the converter is now more than just RAW <=> Converter,we need a new name.
    Multi Converter.

  • Note: The "RAW <=> Pnach" item in the drop down list don't do anything,it just stays there(to not get confused)
  • Note2: Since this feature is still new,sometimes something may go wrong.
    As a fix for this,If the decrypting process is not done withing 10 seconds time(10 second is plenty of time(omniconvert can decrypt ~23000 line of codes in less than 10 seconds)),a message will appear and you can try again...this problem appear rarely(can't find yet the reason)

  • Note3: Because the converter start omniconvert as hidden process,if you close the converter before the decryption finish,omniconvert may still stay as process in the task a fix for this,closing the converter will also close any running instances of omniconvert

Version 10 Released
  • Changed: As I said,we now have new name for the program
  • BugFix: RAW <=> Pnach item in drop down menu work incorrectly(it's supposed to not do anything)
  • BugFix: I think I fix the problems with omniconvert(codes randomly were not converted)...the problem appeared really rarely so I can't be 100% sure
  • Change: Made a change that decreases the decrypting speed...meaning,you get your decrypted raw codes faster
  • Updated: Now the Pnach to RAW completely removes all characters that are used to comment codes\cheat description
  • And some fixes and rewriting about how paths and and settings are used.

Version 11 Released
  • Code optimization
  • Removing some useless code
  • Made the converting process(RAW to Pnach)little faster
  • Try little harder to found the game title(if the title is for some reason on the second or the third row of the pnach file)
  • One more limitation it removes master codes when converting RAW to Pnach

PS.If you find any bugs,report them(the master codes removal part was kinda hard to implement)

Version 12 Released
  • Changed: Used different method for converting and updating the already converted codes...this change made the converting speed extremely faster.

    The test is done on a txt file with 22700 lines of codes:
    Old method
    10% - 3 Min(I couldn't wait anymore)

    New method
    100% - 17 Seconds
  • Removed: Removing the percentage...removing it,decrease the converting time ~ 6 times

    Same testing file with it
    100% - 17 Seconds
    Same testing file without it
    100% - 3 seconds

    Without the progress bar the difference is 2 or 3 times faster but you can barely see such difference when converting HUGE amount of codes so the progress bar will stay(he is not really needed now but I want to have at least something to measure the progress done)

    So now the converter is as fast as PCSX2CE

  • Added: Shows over the progress bar once the converting is done,how much time it took(in milliseconds)

  • And some other code optimizations

Version 14 Released
  • Removing not needed code.
  • Optimizing the code.
  • Some small GUI features(not really worth mentioning).
  • BugFix: On the RAW to Pnach converting if there are any characters after the cheat value.
  • BugFix: On the RAW to Pnach converting if the cheat description is numbers only.

    Since the converter is now really fast,I added another function.This is more advanced feature so read carefully if you want to use it.
  • Added: Send button on the raw side which send the cheats placed in the raw side to pcsx2(if it's running).

    The important thing is that you have to place either raw or pnach format codes,not both formats and they must not be encrypted,they must be raw or pnach formatted raw codes.

    For example like this
    //All Itemspatch=1,EE,4050DE40,extended,00270001patch=1,EE,01010101,extended,00000000
  • RAW:
    All Items4050DE40 0027000101010101 00000000
  • When clicking the button while pcsx2 is running,this will happen

    1.The System=>Enable Cheats option will be activated(if it's not).
    2.The cheats will be secretly converted to pnach format
    3.If cheats for the current game exist,a Backup directory will be created in the cheats directory and the existing codes will be moved there.
    4.A new file will be created with the sended codes.
    5.And finally the converter will force an update on pcsx2 so the cheats can be loaded.

    PS.The backup is done only once,so your original codes will stay the same.

    You can for example copy some raw codes from the forum,paste them into the converter and immediately apply them to pcsx2(if it's running).

    This way you can try if the copied codes actually work or do some memory editing program like changes to the sended codes(changing values and addressed).

  • Added: While PCSX2 is running,the load button got new function...if a backup exist in the Backup directory for the current game,the backed up pnach file will be restored and loaded.

  • Added: Upon closing the converter,every backed up pnach file will be restored.Cheats that did not exist before will stay

  • Added: Like on PEC(PSX Emulation Cheater),you can enable\disable all cheats while playing with Ctrl+A without the need to exit the game window

Version 15 Released
  • Some Little bugs with Ctrl+A hotkey(enable\disable the cheats while playing)and other things(forgot that some people use the installer version of pcsx2 Tongue2 )

  • After sending codes to pcsx2,if you click on the Save button,a prompt will appear asking you
    "Do you want to keep those code and delete the backup?"

    Yes - This deletes the backup so the last sended codes will remain as your codes for that game

    No - This deletes the last sended codes and restore the backup

    Cancel - Return to the converter without doing anything

    This feature is active as long as you click on the Send button at least once and pcsx2 is still running.
    The prompt will appear again after sending some other codes again

  • Almost the same applies to closing the converter.
    If you send some codes,when closing the program,a prompt will appear asking you

    "Do you want to keep the current codes and delete the backups or restore the backups?"

    Yes - Deletes all backups and keep the current codes
    No - Restore all backups
    Cancel - Return to the editor

    PS.The prompt while closing the program exist only if you didn't use the save button

  • I'm going a little off track but I can't think of any other features related to codes converting so I'm just adding some features that I always wanted pcsx2 to have but they are not added to pcsx2(yet)

    So...pressing F2 or Shift + F2 while PCSX2 is running(the game window is active),a tooltip will appear for 1,5 seconds telling you to which save state slot you are switching to and if there is existing save state on that slot or the slot is empty.

    For example,you have saves on slot 2,3 and 5,the tooltip will appear like this(while switching state)
    Switching to slot 1 - the tooltip will show "Slot 1 is Empty"
    Switching to slot 2 - the tooltip will show "Slot 2 is Used"
    Switching to slot 3 - the tooltip will show "Slot 3 is Used"
    Switching to slot 4 - the tooltip will show "Slot 4 is Empty"
    Switching to slot 5 - the tooltip will show "Slot 5 is Used"
    and so on.

Version 16 Released
  • Added: Another great feature never existed in PCSX2 before(requested multiple times)

    Changed the way save state info is's not tooltip,it's...are you ready Tongue...a image preview of the save state Smile

    While PCSX2 is running(game window is active)pressing F1,along with the creation if the save state,the converter also creates a small image preview of the state(it uses for name "the game CRC.0state slot number" )

    When switching withing states,if there is no image of the state,the old info with "State is Used" will be displayed but in a new better way(on the upper right like on ePSXe but kinda looks better)and if there is an image,the image will be displayed below

    PS.This new feature relly on(the image creating)the program Irfan View so if you don't have it,you have to download it.

    You don't really need to even start the program,the converter just need to know where Irfan View is and you may forget that you ever downloaded it.

  • Changed: To make things more clean in the pcsx2 folder,if you want to use the converter with the "No Settings" way,now the programs don't need to be in PCSX2 directory but in sub directory called Tools.

    So if you use the "No Settings" way till now,before starting the converter,create a new directory in the PCSX2 directory and move the OmniConverter and IrfanView there.

    And again,if Irfan View don't exist in the PCSX2\Tools directory,a prompt will appear asking you if you want to use that feature

    Yes - Set Irfan View path
    No - A Disabled info will be added to the settings the you won't be able to use that feature until you delete the "IRFPath=" line and set the path
    Cancel - The feature will be temporary disabled(a prompt will appear the next time you start the program)  

And btw,don't change the IrfanView name(i_view32)or if you want to change it,make cure that the name contains at least "view" in it.

Version 17 Released

Ok now that was a tough one...having to consider all those conditions:
1.Since the program was started,not even once F2 was used.

2.Changing states from the menus rather with F2 will not get the correct info.
Btw the feature work only when you use the F keys,you wont get preview or create image if you use the menus to change states or save states.

3.If save state don't exist for the current slot,I had to rely to scanning the console again(it's not something special...the info I need is on the same line as the crc which I also get)for the image name when saving
  • Changed: Now the images are stored in the sstates folder(not in sub folder like before)and they use the same names as the save states

Version 18 Released

Hmm,why didn't though of that rather that wasting so much time thinking for a ways to fix all those problems depending on condition.
  • Changed: The converter get the name for the image from the console,1 second after pressing F1(the needed info is already there by that time)

    This allowed me to increase the process and shorten the code.

  • Added: You can minimize the program to tray by clicking on the version number at the lower right and restore by single click over the you can keep the program running(and use the extra features with no taskbar button getting in the way)

  • Added: The Insert key act as the F2 key except that it doesn't switch to another state(meaning,it's used to show info for the slot...used\not and with preview if there is)
  • And some more changes that increase the speed of getting the needed info to save and display

PS.The insert key feature works correctly if you press F2 at least once on the current game

Version 19 Released

Some more fixes
  • Forgot that the Insert key was used by PCSX2 so the key now for save state info is the Home button(unless it's used again Tongue2 )
  • The Home button now can give you info for the slot even if you didn't press F2 even once since PCSX2 is started.

Version 2.0 Released
  • I'm going to use this way for version numbers from no on
  • When pressing F1,when the saving is done,a preview will appear
  • Fade out animation for the preview
  • And some more fixes(other ways to get the needed info to display and save preview)
  • If not enough info is collected,rather than info for the slot,it will just show "Slot Number" and below,"Not enough Info"
    To get\create preview,the program need to get from the console,the game crc(by either using the info where we always check the crc or if that doesn't exist for some reason(you clear the console or pcsx2 for some reason didn't get the crc),it will try getting it from the last loaded\saved state and if that doesn't exist,then that info will appear.
    The Save state number,the program first try to get from the console and if such info doesn't exist,the it used the number from the GSdx window
  • And finally,that Home button(save state info)was kinda hard to find why it get wrong info when certain conditions are met
  • Pressing Esc to close the game window,also closed the preview(before there was 2 second wait time before it disappear)

Version 2.1 Released
  • Added Exit menu to the tray icon menu
  • Used the same display method for the cheats enable\disable info as the save states(no ugly tooltip anymore)
  • Some small adjustments on displaying the preview after pressing F1 to save a state and create the preview
  • BugFix: And back to the actual program...if pcsx2 is started but you didn't start a game yet(or the console don't have the needed info yet),you won't be able to load any codes.

Attached Files
.rar   OmniConvert.rar (Size: 161,86 KB / Downloads: 24.847)
.rar   IrfanView.rar (Size: 509,12 KB / Downloads: 12.248)
.rar   Multi Converter v2.1.rar (Size: 328,29 KB / Downloads: 15.017)
.rar   Multi Converter v2.2.rar (Size: 328,5 KB / Downloads: 5.727)
.rar   Multi Converter v2.3.rar (Size: 328,27 KB / Downloads: 26.692)

Sponsored links

Version 2 released
  • The update on the pnach side(when converting from raw to pnach)is done when the process finish(this decrease the cpu 10% here)
  • If you are playing a game(the game window is active or the emulation is paused)if this is the first game started since pcsx2 is started,when starting the converter,the converter will add the game name and crc to the CRC: and Game Title: fields
Version 3 released
  • Small changes to the GUI(not really visible)
  • Cancel button to stop the converting process(RAW to Pnach)
  • Support dropping .pnach and .txt files with raw codes.If the dropped file is txt,it will be added to the RAW side,if it's pnach,it will be added to the side on which you dropped the file(raw or pnach).Also,dropping .pnach files,automatically add the game title and crc to the game crc and game title fields
  • Version number at the lower right

And I'm out of ideas
I guess I'm not out of ideas Tongue2

Version 4 released
  • Now the converter get the game crc of the last started game,so you can start as many games as you want one after another without restarting pcsx2 and the converter will always get the crc of the currently running game.
  • BugFix: The progress bar and percentage was not working
  • Few GUI update changes
  • Middle clicking over any editbox clear the content of it
An suggestion - add an changeable GUI = different themes that users can use, i want an compact theme.
also make the theme files separate so in this thread you keep posting new themes everyone separate and people downloading them if they want. I am ready to help you in any way i can.
Lost in the Vastness of Mugen.
Changeable how...the only thing that you can change is probably background image and colors,nothing else.
And more compact than that...
Version 5 released
  • BugFix: If long lines exist in the raw\pnach side,the percentage and progressbar show incorrect status when the converting is done
  • Changed: Now when middle clicking on the pnach side,it will also reset the progressbar and percentage
  • Changed: The converter don't load the game crc and title at startup while pcsx2 is running.Added two buttons for that(on the raw and pnach side).
  • Added: If Codes for the current running game exist in the cheats folder,clicking the load button will also load the cheats to the side depending on which button you click
Version 6 Released
  • Changed: Since the program started to get more and more features,now we need to use settings file.
    Upon starting the program a message box will appear asking you to select the PCSX2 directory...this is needed because some new features need this and some existing work better that way.

  • Changed: When saving cheats,the editor automatically navigates to your cheats folder so you can directly save there or change the location if you want.

  • Added: The game title edit box is now combobox which works as before but now it have a drop down list which contains all of your cheats(pnach files)in the cheats folder and for names it use the game name,not the file name(the game crc)...the list is sorted alphabetically
    Once you select a game from the list,just press the Load button on the side you want to load the cheats.

    If pcsx2 is currently running,loading cheats(from the dropdownlist box)for other games is not possible.While pcsx2 is running,other features takes priority(getting the current running game crc and title and loading cheats for the current game if cheats exist for it in your cheats folder when pressing the load buttons)

  • Added: Using the mouse wheel over either of the Load buttons will switch between items(up and down)in the dropdownlist box and load them depending on which load button the mouse is over

  • Added: Because the cheats list and the game list share the same editbox,when typing the game name,if a pnach exist that share the same game name(gametitle=),a prompt will appear asking you if you are sure.

    This is because if load existing cheats from the list and then paste raw codes,the game title field will still be with the last loaded pnach\cheats name and if you are not careful,you may end up with cheats for some game but the title to be for some other game.
    The message is just a precaution.
    If you are dropping .pnach files or txt file with raw codes which contains "gametitle=" in the first line and there is no existing pnach file that uses the same game title,that prompt won't appear

  • Note: Pnac files(from your cheats folder)that don't have "gametitle=" in the first line of the pnach file will be added to the list as
    [No Name] - The CRC

PS.I made a lot of rewriting so any bug reports are appreciated...also if you want to change the pcsx2 directory,just edit the Settings.ini file or delete it.
Version 7 Released
  • One small change that still deserves the update.
    If you place the converter in the pcsx2 directory,you won't need the settings file.

And removing the old attachments,they are not needed anymore.
Hmm,I just knew I'll encounter problems after such big rewrite.

Version 8 Released
  • BugFix: Clicking on the Load buttons in certain condition will show error messages
  • Added: A tooltip when clicking on the load button when no cheats are founded and on couple other place
  • And so minor fixes

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