Resolved: A widescreen patch is breaking JPN Tenkaichi 3
JPN Tenkaichi 3 (CRC: F28D21F1) (SLPS-25815) has a broken widescreen patch that causes the camera to shift permanently to Player 2 in a Player VS Player setting.

I solved this issue LONG ago, and I posted the patch here:

However, the widescreen patch archive built in PCSX2 didn't receive an update in AGES, and has been the same ever since.

While I can understand that widescreen patches are not a priority, this one specifically causes a new bug which makes Player VS Player nearly unplayable, so it actually affects gameplay.

Can you please change the patch in question with the one I provided? It's kinda tiring having to explain to whoever plays JPN that there is a broken pnach file that has to be removed and replaced.

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It's already been submitted for update here:

It will likely be merged today, so whenever there's a new update after that, it will be in there.
[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]

Thank you for your report.
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