Simulate/Force Controller Disconnect other than disabling Pad 1?
PCSX2 1.6.0
LilyPad 0.12.1
Xbox Series X controller via USB

Is there a way to simulate removal of a controller without having to go into the LilyPad settings and manually disabling Pad 1? I'm doing some glitch hunting for speedruns and just to find cool stuff and one of the things that commonly can lead to bugs is disconnecting controllers at specific times.

Just unplugging the controller doesn't do anything, it just acts as though it is plugged in but nothing is being pressed. And I know I can go into the general LilyPad settings and disable Pad 1, but having to navigate through a handful of menus (not to mention the occasional lag spikes that occur when going between emulator menus and the game) every time I need to unplug or plug in the controller makes performing any tests take 20 times longer than just being able to unplug. 

Is there a work around or a way to set a hotkey?

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This has been asked before, but TL;DR you do need to go to settings and disconnect the controller through there. It's a little easier to do in 1.7 as it allows to set the controller to 'not connected' and it's been too long for me to recall what the 1.6 settings look like.

As an aside, isn't speed-running community generally frowns on emulators for speedrunning?

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