Hello dear PCSX2-Team,

i have a question regarding a certain message in the System Console:

(DynamicLibrary) Loading avutil-56.dll failed: 126

This message appears once when i start the emulator and click on the Settings button (does not happen a second time - it happens only once after closing and opening the emulator) and always once each time the game settings of any game are opened. Is this problem with my computer or with the emulator? I always use the latest build. Thank you in advance! Smile

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You can ignore it, it's just for the video recording stuff.

If you want to get rid of it you can put the ffmpeg dll's in the PCSX2 folder, you can get the pack here: https://www.duckstation.org/upload/ffmpeg-dlls.zip
[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]

I suspected something like that, but did not know. Okay, thanks for the helpful answer! Smile

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