impossible blend => please read this thread
Can this be any good for this problem?

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No I don't think. The blending unit will still clamp value in a valid range [0, 1] whereas GS support [0,2]...

Quote:If you need somebody to test GL_NV_fragement_shader_interlock I have a maxwell 970 Smile
Thanks for the info. But let's concentrate on current extension (the GL4.5 extension could be available on "old" hardware).

By the way, I add an option for the auto skip feature.
So that being on has the current function and turning it off to see what happens? xD
[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]

It is only an ugly hack (I hardcoded the value in the shader Wink ). But it shows that impossible blending is indeed possible Smile

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Good job! So is the first screenshot with the new option unticked?
[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]

Yes. It fixes the sun effect.

Then 2nd image is with correct blending. Notice the extra shadows on the first plan.
Yeah it still doesn't look "right" but the first image does look much much better.
[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]

Here the same rendering of the frame by the SW renderer. I don't see the difference (with the 2nd picture)

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Quote:GSdx always use the biggest texture. However I think the game doesn't always send all layers. I don't know what will be the best
Emulate 6 GL textures by GS texture (one for each layers)
Or Emulater a 6 layers GL textures by GS texture.

Looking into this i came across this extension .
So if understand it correctly you could have and array like structure (PBO?) to hold all of the textures and use that extension to select the mipmap level?
Please you don't plan to make me read all the extensions. Don't worry I already did it.

1/ This extension allow to get a sub part of a texture (think smaller rectangle) than the previous version which load the full texture (by the way from the GPU to the CPU)
2/ There is texture array which is a collection of textures. Mipmap is a "multi layer" texture. That mean you can have an array of mipmap textures, or an array of regular textures
3/ pbo is only a buffer to store temporay data
4/ Anyway hardware supports mimap without difficulty
5/ The issue is to decode PS2 format and to send it to the GPU when it is really necessary (otherwise it will kill the perf). In short the interaction of GSdx texture cache.

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