10-04-2010, 11:25 AM
I am starting to get concerned about the future of PCSX2(and Dolphin for that matter), and games that require a high clock rate to run smoothly. All this talk of overclock overclock overclock..... We are hitting an unwanted glass ceiling people. PCSX2 is a FANTASTIC emulator, but quite a few of the games it runs requires a lot of CPU power and a high clock speed. But both Intel and nVidia have already stated they have NO plans to release any processors that offer significant increase in clock rates over the now standard 3xGhz stock speed. The improvements on their chips will come with more cores and increased cache. None of which will significantly help the speed of games running in pcsx2. I would like to know what the devs' long term plans are for improving speed? If some games require a huge clock rate or 5.0Ghz or higher, and Intel and AMD have upcoming processors with *no* stock clock speeds over 3.xGhz on the horizon, how are we going to get around this dilema?