A question about software versus hardware mode.
(04-22-2017, 06:29 AM)kamenriderfire Wrote: No, I'm not trolling I understand graphics options are up to me. I'm afraid of running it in software as I don't want to hurt my processor. Because from this configuration guide I read it said that it doesn't use your graphics card at a to render your games just your processor. And I heard from other people while trying to look this up if they use this mode it could burn out their processor and destroy it. So I am wondering if that was truth or fiction. I'm not asking about graphics at this point I asking about is this program powerful enough to destroy my processor.I don't know I'm not a techie person. I'm just using this program because over the last two days I found out my old PS2 has basically destroyed its disk laser. I'm not into emulation normally, but I'm not paying $120 at Gamestop to get an old PS2. I just want to play some of my old games so I'm trying this whole emulator thing but I know nothing really about the tech that's going inside of it.

And I don't want to destroy something I just paid $400 for unintentionally.

So I know I need to run it in software, but as I said I've heard from people that doing that and putting such a load on your processor can destroy it. Is this just fiction? That's all I'm asking for people who have more knowledge in this stuff than me.

[Didn't mean to reply meant to edit]

(04-22-2017, 06:32 AM)envisaged0ne Wrote: Trust me, you're NOT going to do any damage to your processor, or other hardware, by running software mode.  If there was any risk, people would let you know, and the devs would make sure there was a big warning before using it

Okay thank you man because I've seen at least three threads online saying so and I'm terrified of it. As I had just saved up for a year and a half to even afford this rig.So thank you for resolving my problem :-)

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If you computer freeze it is either
1/ a GPU driver bug (by the way you can use openGL)
2/ PCSX2 swallows all your RAM/VRAM

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