(01-27-2011, 12:19 AM)Computerrock Wrote: Hello All!
I was wondering when/if GSdx will get code support for AMD processors (beyond SSE2) such as SSE3 or even SSE4a?
Looking forward to your response!
Problem is SSE3 and SSE4a do not add anything that PCSX2 could use (SSE3 is also available on Intel processors just in case you're thinking PCSX2 is made for Intel only).
The SSSE3 instruction barely adds any speed generally, it depends highly on the game and scene that is playing and it doesn't exactly make games twice as fast or anywhere close to that anyway.
SSE4.1 is a little better but still depends on the game and it won't add that much speed, according to the PCSX2 team currently SSSE3 and SSE4.1 add a 5-10% of general performance and that's including PCSX2 which has a few SSE4.1 instructions, GSdx is less than that.
As for AMD support? The emulator runs with AMD processors, doesn't it? so they're supported
. Maybe when AMD starts adding more useful stuff it will be better optimized (AMD Bulldozer will have SSE4.1 as mentioned before for example).
Offtopic: I actually can't wait for new AMD offerings so when people ask about SSE4.1 we can just say "well your old AMD CPU doesn't have them but new ones do so get a new one!