04-11-2009, 02:29 AM
I recently loaned my Ps2 to a friend and am now playing Person 4 on my Pc via the psx2 emulator. Im enjoying it quite a bit and everything runs well. However I seem to be having problems with my AR Max. whenever I go into it and try to add a code or change anything It says "saving" but never does anything beyond saying that it is saving.
Does AR Max work on Psx2? Am I just not waiting long enough (possible)? I have not used AR Max in quite some time, so maybe I am doing something wrong. Sorry if this question is asked a lot, I checked your FAQs and ran a couple cursory searches. There seems to be a lot of options if i wanted to use CodeBreaker..but Person 4 isn't supported by that yet it would seem. Thanks for your help.
Does AR Max work on Psx2? Am I just not waiting long enough (possible)? I have not used AR Max in quite some time, so maybe I am doing something wrong. Sorry if this question is asked a lot, I checked your FAQs and ran a couple cursory searches. There seems to be a lot of options if i wanted to use CodeBreaker..but Person 4 isn't supported by that yet it would seem. Thanks for your help.