[BUG : 577 Dev] CPU window crashing
I compiled my own dev build and when ever i go into the CPU window and the close it, it crashes the emulator.

This is a new bug that happened between 577 -576.

I cleared all my INI files and it seems like it saves the information that you change but the program still crashes.

Running on Server 2008 - 64 (Pratically vista 64)
Death Notebook - (Killer Notebooks)
X9000 OC Dual 3.0 : GeForce 8800M GTX : 4 GB OCZ Ram

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It's a known problem, but thanks for reporting. It's probably already fixed, but well, I'll leave this open till the fix is committed.
Nope still there is 583 Wacko
[Image: newsig.jpg]
Solved in the latest beta. Moved and closed Smile

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