Best keyboard config for FFXII?
Hello I'm new to pcsx2, before I used to play with pSX which doesnt have that many buttons to map to, but PS2 has a LOT.

So for those who have beaten FFXII may I know your keyboard configuration or what you think is best to have the least hands movement?


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PSX and PS2 controllers are the same, they don't have more buttons, the only difference might be the analogs

i know this isn't what you asked for but i really recommend you to either buy a ps2 adapter for the pc (so you can use your ps2/psx controller in your pc) or simply buy a normal gamepad

its very hard to get a nice configuration where you can have both analogs and the d-pad

though i always use the WASD keys for movement so either bind those keys to the d-pad or the left stick, L1 and L2 can easily be shift and ctrl, L3 can be Q, spacebar for the start button and E for select, then you can either try using the right numbers (don't remember the name) as the main buttons and remaining buttons, like 1 to X, 2 to circle, 5 to triangle and 4 to square, then 0 to R1, 6to R2 and enter to R3, if you are using the WASD as left stick and need the d-pad you can try using FCVB as d-pad or maybe TFGH... i have no idea for a good right stick configuration, which is a problem since you want to play FFXII which uses all of them

you should really consider getting a gamepad for your pc, not only for pcsx2 but other pc games benefit from gamepads too... i bought a really comfortable gamepad which has some additional keys for macros for 15€ and i can plug it in my pc and my ps2... so it isn't expensive
E8400 @ 3.2GHz - 8800 GT @ stock - 4GB DDR2 800 [actual: 3.5GB with PAE] - WinXP PRO 32bit SP3
[Image: 133779.png]
I configure them so you can use the mouse + keyboard, as a PC game.

Use the WASD keys for movement, the mouse to control camera (right analog, this as a PC game), left click to attack and use (this would be "X" in PSX control I think), right click to whatever you want (cancel? I use as a cancel button). Middle buton or wheel click to enter map or menu... mouse wheel up and down to travel between options (this is up and down in D-Pad, as left click is "X", you can enter menú with mouse wheel click, travel between options with mouse wheel and select with left click. So with one hand you can choose menu battle options, general options and so on, items... you get the point)

And basically that is!. Mouse is camera. Left and right click are attack/cancel, middle click(wheel click in my case) is menú (can be battle or pause, you choose), wheel is "up" and "down" in d-pad, WASD for movement. Space bar could be pause... I don't know, this works really good for me. I feel like playing a PC game, not an emu haha
SAGER NP8690 | i7-620M 2.66Ghz | 6GB RAM | ATI 5870M 1GB GDDR5 | FullHD 1080p 15.6'' | 500GB HDD 7200RPM | WINDOWS 7
for analog controls you could use q (NW) w (N) e (NE) d (E) c (SE) x (S) z (SW) a (W)
for the action buttons try X=num pad 2, O=num pad 6, [] as num pad 1 and triangle as numpad 5
L1 = 1, l2=2, r1= num pad 7, r2 = numpad 9
start = enter, select = shift

but as suggested, a controller would be best. Smile
i just use a logitech rumblepad 2

same layout and shape as a playstation joystick Laugh
(07-16-2009, 07:47 PM)ChronicNL Wrote: i just use a logitech rumblepad 2

same layout and shape as a playstation joystick Laugh

RUMBLEPAD 2 FTW. Definitely one of the best out there (quality/price ^^). Just a pity i didn't had it yet the moment i was playing FF12 -_-' so i had to use my keyboard. I think i had "w/s/a/d" (left analog) for movement, and "up/down/left/right arrows" (corresponding to "up/down/right/left in a PS2 controller) for selecting inside the menus. Finally i had "z,x,c,v", as square, cross, circle, triangle respectively, and Q and E as L1 and R1. And i think that's it...Happy (hope i wasn't too confusing...=P)
[Image: fs.png]
Q9550 @ 3,33GHz Ninja
HD 3850
Thanks guys. Looks like I'll be buying a gamepad after all.
U can use a Dualshock 3 Sixaxis Controler With Rumble function and even with a BT adapter

check this page if ur interested
(07-17-2009, 02:18 AM)samueloa Wrote: U can use a Dualshock 3 Sixaxis Controler With Rumble function and even with a BT adapter

check this page if ur interested

the latest version can map all gamepad buttons to keyboard buttons.

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