04-21-2009, 10:11 PM
Hey guys,
First post and I need your help.
PCSX2 0.9.6 - compiled on Feb 27 2009
Savestate version: 8b400004
CPU vendor name = GenuineIntel
FamilyID = d
x86Family = Intel® Core2 Duo CPU E4500 @ 2.20GHz
CPU speed = 2.231 Ghz
Cores = 2 physical [2 logical]
x86PType = Standard OEM
x86Flags = bfebfbff 0000e39d
x86EFlags = 20100000
Detected MMX
Detected SSE
Detected SSE2
Detected SSE3
Detected SSSE3
Not Detected SSE4.1
F1 - save state
(Shift +) F2 - cycle states
F3 - load state
Bios Version 2.0
Framelimiter rate updated (UpdateVSyncRate): 59.94 fps
MTGS > Thread Started, Opening GS Plugin...
MTGS > GSopen Finished, return code: 0x0
* PCSX2 *: ExecuteBios
# Initialize memory (rev:3.70, ctm:393Mhz, cpuclk:295Mhz detected)
# Total accessable memory size: 32 MB (B:2:8:0) (370:2:7c30)
# TLB spad=0 kernel=1:12 default=13:30 extended=31:38
# Initialize Start.
# Initialize GS ...
# Initialize INTC ...
# Initialize TIMER ...
# Initialize DMAC ...
# Initialize VU1 ...
# Initialize VIF1 ...
# Initialize GIF ...
# Initialize VU0 ...
# Initialize VIF0 ...
# Initialize IPU ...
# Initialize FPU ...
# Initialize User Memory ...
# Initialize Scratch Pad ...
# Initialize Done.
EE DECI2 Manager version 0.06 Feb 6 2003 08:38:48
CPUID=2e20, BoardID=0, ROMGEN=2004-0614, 32M
# Restart Without Memory Clear.
# Initialize GS ...
# Initialize INTC ...
# Initialize TIMER ...
# Initialize DMAC ...
# Initialize VU1 ...
# Initialize VIF1 ...
# Initialize GIF ...
# Initialize VU0 ...
# Initialize VIF0 ...
# Initialize IPU ...
# Initialize FPU ...
# Initialize Scratch Pad ...
# Restart Without Memory Clear Done.
* PCSX2 *: ExecuteBios Complete
loadElfFile: cdrom0:\SLUS_203.12;1
loadElfFile: 4615960
ElfProgram different load addrs: paddr=0x02000000, vaddr=0x00000000
loadElfFile: cdrom0:\SLUS_203.12;1; CRC = BB3D833A
XML Loader returned an error. Trying to load a pnach...
gametitle: Final Fantasy X [SLUS 20312] (U)
patchnumber: 0
I've tried FFX and Burnout with the same results every time and it's getting frustrating. Using ISO's mounted with PowerISO. I've used every plugin for graphics, sound, and CD/DVD with the same results or it crashes on me. Using Vista 64, 4GB Ram, eVGA 8800 GTS 320MB Superclocked.
Went exactly by the guide as well lol.
ZeroGS 0.97.1
SPU2-X 1.1.0
SSSPSX controller
Gigaherz's CDDVD
USA Bios v0.200
Any help would greatly be appreciated thanks!!
First post and I need your help.
PCSX2 0.9.6 - compiled on Feb 27 2009
Savestate version: 8b400004
CPU vendor name = GenuineIntel
FamilyID = d
x86Family = Intel® Core2 Duo CPU E4500 @ 2.20GHz
CPU speed = 2.231 Ghz
Cores = 2 physical [2 logical]
x86PType = Standard OEM
x86Flags = bfebfbff 0000e39d
x86EFlags = 20100000
Detected MMX
Detected SSE
Detected SSE2
Detected SSE3
Detected SSSE3
Not Detected SSE4.1
F1 - save state
(Shift +) F2 - cycle states
F3 - load state
Bios Version 2.0
Framelimiter rate updated (UpdateVSyncRate): 59.94 fps
MTGS > Thread Started, Opening GS Plugin...
MTGS > GSopen Finished, return code: 0x0
* PCSX2 *: ExecuteBios
# Initialize memory (rev:3.70, ctm:393Mhz, cpuclk:295Mhz detected)
# Total accessable memory size: 32 MB (B:2:8:0) (370:2:7c30)
# TLB spad=0 kernel=1:12 default=13:30 extended=31:38
# Initialize Start.
# Initialize GS ...
# Initialize INTC ...
# Initialize TIMER ...
# Initialize DMAC ...
# Initialize VU1 ...
# Initialize VIF1 ...
# Initialize GIF ...
# Initialize VU0 ...
# Initialize VIF0 ...
# Initialize IPU ...
# Initialize FPU ...
# Initialize User Memory ...
# Initialize Scratch Pad ...
# Initialize Done.
EE DECI2 Manager version 0.06 Feb 6 2003 08:38:48
CPUID=2e20, BoardID=0, ROMGEN=2004-0614, 32M
# Restart Without Memory Clear.
# Initialize GS ...
# Initialize INTC ...
# Initialize TIMER ...
# Initialize DMAC ...
# Initialize VU1 ...
# Initialize VIF1 ...
# Initialize GIF ...
# Initialize VU0 ...
# Initialize VIF0 ...
# Initialize IPU ...
# Initialize FPU ...
# Initialize Scratch Pad ...
# Restart Without Memory Clear Done.
* PCSX2 *: ExecuteBios Complete
loadElfFile: cdrom0:\SLUS_203.12;1
loadElfFile: 4615960
ElfProgram different load addrs: paddr=0x02000000, vaddr=0x00000000
loadElfFile: cdrom0:\SLUS_203.12;1; CRC = BB3D833A
XML Loader returned an error. Trying to load a pnach...
gametitle: Final Fantasy X [SLUS 20312] (U)
patchnumber: 0
I've tried FFX and Burnout with the same results every time and it's getting frustrating. Using ISO's mounted with PowerISO. I've used every plugin for graphics, sound, and CD/DVD with the same results or it crashes on me. Using Vista 64, 4GB Ram, eVGA 8800 GTS 320MB Superclocked.
Went exactly by the guide as well lol.
ZeroGS 0.97.1
SPU2-X 1.1.0
SSSPSX controller
Gigaherz's CDDVD
USA Bios v0.200
Any help would greatly be appreciated thanks!!