03-02-2011, 05:04 AM
OK, my PS3 is a 1st gen 80GB edition, so I can play most PS1/PS2 games but some, like Bloody Roar3, take performance hits, so I popped in my copy of BR3 for my first PCSX2 game and though the intro vids are horribly garbled the in-game graphics are pristine. However, the game runs incredibly slow (probably around 50% emulation speed) and I've tried some tweaks and fixes but nothing seems to help improve the performance. I'm running an Athlon II X2 240 2.8GHz, 4GB 800MHz Unganged RAM, and nVidia GeForce 9400 GT XGA w/512MB VRAM, and Windows 7 Home Premium x64 w/SP1. Is my PC just not powerful enough to emulate a PS2 or are there some other options I could try? Any help is greatly appreciated.