Bloody Roar 4
Hi, I'm new to the forums.

I registered now but I always browse the forums, and I always founded my answer.

Anyway, the problem I have is with Bloody Roar 4. The game won't run at full FPS (playing NTSC version) no matter what I do. The best I get is 60 FPS with speedhacks (I can sense it's not false FPS), but when both characters transform (In this case I tried Nagi and Xeon), it drops to 50.

Any suggestions? And a little of off-topic, it's just me or all fightning games (except KoF Maximun Impact A and Dragonball) runs slow? Even King of Fighters 2001 for me runs slow...

My specs:

Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 @ 2.80 Ghz
Atari Radeon 4600HD series.

PCSX2 1.2.1

Video: Default hardware device, D3D10 Hardware, native resolution, ticked only allow 8 bit textures (locariithmic Z and alpha correction too, but I can't untick them for some reason).

Speedhack: Maxed out EE, 1 VU and MTVU on.

Additional info: Before saying anything, I already know that my graphic card isn't the best. And I wanted to point out that GS is always near 100%

Thanks in advance Smile

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.txt   log.txt (Size: 5,71 KB / Downloads: 349)

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Please post the emulog. And, what are the values of EE and GS while the game is slowing down ?
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Here, I've added the screenshot ingame, showing EE and GS. As you can see, EE is standard (Tales of the Abyss without hacks is 80-85 %) and GS goes all the way to 100%. I haven't tried other stages aside this one, but I guess it's the same problem.

And by log I hope I posted the right thing lol

By the way, thanks for the support.
You'll probably need to get a faster cpu.
[Image: gmYzFII.png]
[Image: dvedn3-5.png]
(02-03-2015, 03:25 PM)QwaserKuro Wrote: Atari Radeon 4600HD series.

Try overclocking, that's the best you could try for performance gain. This is certainly a hardware limit, you should upgrade to a better cpu to play this game well.
We're supposed to be working as a team, if we aren't helping and suggesting things to each other, we aren't working as a team.
- Refraction
(02-03-2015, 04:35 PM)ssakash Wrote: Try overclocking, that's the best you could try for performance gain. This is certainly a hardware limit, you should upgrade to a better cpu to play this game well.

I see. I'll just add the game to my "not emulable" games for now, since I'm not a PC hardware expert and don't want to damage anything, since I don't have any money for replacing things.

For a little offtopic, what's the reason to why some games requires more power to emulate? Is something related to PCSX2 or PC? I mean, this game doesn't seems to push the PS2 at the limit...again, I'm just guessing. I understand Gran Turismo 4 tough.

For another example: I can emulate perfectly Shadow Hearts Covenant, but not Shadow Hearts. I think is weird.
Every game has its own unique game engine. So, some games may be less demanding compared to others and some are even more demanding. To know about how processors fare at emulating, take a look at their stp aka single threaded performance. Though, I personally don't know about this game well.
We're supposed to be working as a team, if we aren't helping and suggesting things to each other, we aren't working as a team.
- Refraction
Some games also has sloppy code because devs couldn't get used to the architecture quickly enough, so they ended up wasting CPU cycles. Prime examples include GTA Liberty City Stories and Tekken Tag Tournament.
[Image: gmYzFII.png]
[Image: dvedn3-5.png]
Thanks for the answers.

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