{Bug report} "Out of memory" error
Hello everybody!
I have a problem with pcsx2 svn626
when i start the game the emulator saySadrefer at attachement 1)
and the configurations at the attachement 2
note: i'm working on windows vista ultimate 32bit
and i have changed the config at the graphics section (the gsdx SSE2 and the gsdx SSE3 have been tested but no changes)
another note: i have deleted the defaults inis but no changes either
please help!
thanx in advanceSmile

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Not helpful,read: http://forums.pcsx2.net/thread-2318.html And check if you are indeed running out of RAM (task manager can show ram usage)
[Image: newsig.jpg]
I have the same problem, pcsx2 playground works just fine, but the beta versions don't work and i get that "out of memory". :-(
Have you found a solution? Or can somebody else please help?

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