Xenosaga? These games are my hobbyhorse with PCSX2
I played them all with the below setup and the Beta r3113:
Xenosaga 1: Seems to have problems with PCSX2. At many, many points the GS% goes batsh*t insane and it stutters like mad. From what I heard it is an issue with the game's architecture and DirectX, sending too many draw commands to the GPU, hopelessly overloading it. Not even native Res does reduce the stuttering in these situations. Especially the non-prerendered cutscenes and all battles involing Mechas are affected. CPU-wise, it went pretty well for me. Just enable the recommended Speedhacks, no problems are caused by them.
Xenosaga 2: Actually pretty carefree: Except for some heavy scenes with Mecha, the FPS are good. Enable 8-Bit Textures in GSDX for better FPS and a more fluent game. My GS and EE percentage were almost always pretty low. There are only 2 issues I encountered: First, the game gets darker at some points with DX10 enabled, but it is not that annoying. Secondly, I had problems with the discswap and had to use a SVN build to get around it, the new Beta 3178 might have fixed that.
Xenosaga 3: The best of the series
A bit more demanding than 2, but still pretty nice in PCSX2. Has the same problem with the darkness in DX10. Also has garbage in some FMVs. To remove the garbage, enable the Hacks in the GSDX.ini, tick "Offset Hack" and set Skipdraw to 4 in the options. Only stuttering occured for me during heavy E.S (Mecha) battles when you activate the Anima of your ES, the effect causes slowdown, but not that critical.
Anyhow, a Core i7 should work like a charm with Xenosaga. The GPU is of more concern to all three games. Though the first one will always stutter at some points, I assume.
(12-31-2010, 10:32 AM)rama Wrote: You may want to team the CPU up with a nice VGA card though, one with 1GB of memory preferably.
XS3 will thank you for it. (512MB cards do struggle a lot with this game.)
Nah, I did not have major framerate problems in XS3 with my 512MB 8800GT