Can't open games on pcsx2 0.9.6
When i try to run a game in pcsx2 0.9.6 (i have tryed with jak & daxter and final fantasy X) this happens

[Image: unavngivet.png]

I have tryed to switch out the plugins with other ones and change the settings for cpu and advanced, i even tryed to change it to default but it still happens no matter what plugins i use.

I'm sure that it isn't a problem with the games becourse the run fine on the older and the new beta 0.9.7, the same with the plugins.

My computer specs:
Intel duo core 2 t9300 2.50ghz x2
Nvidia 8600m gt 512mb
Realtek HD audio
(its a notebook)

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It seems that you have xp with a skin.
It sounds wired but try to use the default skin.
That was one of the problems on my old pc.

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