Changing languages across regions
Hey there,

I am asking myself if there is any possiblity to play an NTSC game with PAL languages. I know this seems counterintuitive but I want to play Ratchet & Clank Up Your Arsenal on german with german voice lines for nostalgia sake, but I need to run the NTSC version to get the achievements for it over on RetroAchievemnts since there are none for the PAL version. I couldn't find any info about that on the internet nor did I find some patches that enable it. I am willing to create a patch myself, if possible, but don't know where to start.
CPU : AMD Ryzen 5 5600H @ 3.30Ghz
GPU : NVIDIA Geforce RTX 3060
RAM : 32 GB

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The games are localized for their regions. Some will have multiple languages; some won't. Sometimes there are other localization changes too. It could be easier to ask to get achievements ported to PAL than to do a localization patch.

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