Cheats says loaded but nothing happens in game
Hi guys, this is my first post and I have quite a bit of a problem with my cheats.

So when I load my game I can see it says cheats loaded in the console but it doesn't do anything in the game. I got the raw codes from codetwink and then converted them through pcsx2 converter. I even double checked the game version through "ps2vers" and matched it up with codetwink.

I've tried this with 2 different games so far and same thing.

Anybody have an idea why this is happening? Thx!

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Are you loading directly from memory card and not save state?
(01-17-2013, 01:51 PM)DaTankAC Wrote: Are you loading directly from memory card and not save state?

Yea loading from memory card.
Playing games with cheats really good? Tongue PS L1PS L2PS R2PS R1Ps_s_selectPS Start
pls post your pnach file with the specific codes you are trying to use
That means the cheats are putting values into wrong memory addresses, what means the cheats are wrong or for different game version.

The most common error (if the version is correct) is not decrypting the original code to raw format. Please post your pnach file so we can actually know what is wrong.
Imagination is where we are truly real
(01-17-2013, 03:10 PM)oOCrazyGamerOo Wrote: Playing games with cheats really good? Tongue PS L1PS L2PS R2PS R1Ps_s_selectPS Start

If you've got nothing helpful/relevant to add, please don't reply next time. Thanks.
[Image: newsig.jpg]
Here is the pnach for Shin Megami Tensei - Nocturne - E8FCF8EC.pnach

I added Kingdom Hearts too, has max money code but doesn't work for me - 0F6B6315.pnach

Attached Files
.pnach   E8FCF8EC.pnach (Size: 221 bytes / Downloads: 476)
.pnach   0F6B6315.pnach (Size: 92 bytes / Downloads: 421)
Both pnach files you posted have badly converted or even encrypted codes, no chance they could work.

Generally to easily convert codes we use a pair of Omniconvert to convert codes between choosen formats(you have to select input format and set output to unencrypted) and PCSX2CE to add pcsx2 formatting without typing it manually:].

Gonna show you on example as that code wasn't converted at all:
infinite health
D176BE16 88F00584
That's a codebreaker 7+ encrypted code, soo run omniconvert and select codebreaker 7+ as input, unencrypted>standard as output, then convert the code and we have:
infinite health
11248F5A 000003E7
Now just add formatting with PCSX2CE(or manually as you prefer) and we have:
//infinite health
That code should work in pcsx2.

Just repeat with other codes you want and make sure to set input in omniconvert to the same the codes you're trying to convert are;p, and output should always be set to unencrypted standard also known as raw.

You have no reason to use ancient obsolete programs to check game version etc. only game version need to match, crc matters only to name the file.(On a side note I often wonder why it matters for pcsx2 at all seeing in gscrc completely different games share same crc;p and all hacks are related to game versions anyway soo the logic of using crc seems totally sick and just making things harder, but that's not much related to pnach files except someone unlucky to have two games sharing same crc and want's to cheat in both of them@_@)
(01-18-2013, 04:35 AM)miseru99 Wrote: Both pnach files you posted have badly converted or even encrypted codes, no chance they could work.

Generally to easily convert codes we use a pair of Omniconvert to convert codes between choosen formats(you have to select input format and set output to unencrypted) and PCSX2CE to add pcsx2 formatting without typing it manually:].

Gonna show you on example as that code wasn't converted at all:
infinite health
D176BE16 88F00584
That's a codebreaker 7+ encrypted code, soo run omniconvert and select codebreaker 7+ as input, unencrypted>standard as output, then convert the code and we have:
infinite health
11248F5A 000003E7
Now just add formatting with PCSX2CE(or manually as you prefer) and we have:
//infinite health
That code should work in pcsx2.

Just repeat with other codes you want and make sure to set input in omniconvert to the same the codes you're trying to convert are;p, and output should always be set to unencrypted standard also known as raw.

You have no reason to use ancient obsolete programs to check game version etc. only game version need to match, crc matters only to name the file.(On a side note I often wonder why it matters for pcsx2 at all seeing in gscrc completely different games share same crc;p and all hacks are related to game versions anyway soo the logic of using crc seems totally sick and just making things harder, but that's not much related to pnach files except someone unlucky to have two games sharing same crc and want's to cheat in both of them@_@)

Thx man worked perfectly <3

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