Configuration for original Singstar microphones
I'm trying to configure original Singstar microphones. 

Under windows they are recognized as USB stereo microphone with the blue microphone on the left channel and the red microphone on the right channel.

In the PCSX2 USB controller settings I can select Singstar and then choose the Singstar USB microphones as device für Player 1 and Player 2. This works well for playing Singstar as a one player game. But if I'd like to play in two player mode (this is where the fun is), both microphones are recognized for both players at the same time, i.e. when I use for example only the blue mic sound will be recognized for both players although the red mic isn't used. Same vice versa for the red mic. The problem is that in the PCSX settings I can't distinguish between left and right channel for the players setting. I can only choose USB Microphone for both players and not something like Player 1: USB Microphone left Channel, Player 2: USB microphone right channel. Is there a way to configure this properly so that the original Singstar mics can be used as intended. 

There is a SingStar like software that is called UltraStar there it is possible to use the original SingStar microphones and set the left channel (blue mic) to player one and the right channel (red mic) to player 2. 

Thanks for your help.

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