DVD versus image file
Hello everyone,

First off I wanted to say thanks to the devs and the community for the emulator it's self and the knowledge base on the forums that has helped tons getting everything running smooth.

I've been messing with the emulator for a few days now and I've just been running my legit games from the DVD's. I was wondering though if anyone has done any testing or just noticed if the running games from an image file on the hard drive helps with emulation speed in comparison to the DVD.

The emulator is on my SSD so I know ripping my games and storing them on it as well would remove a bottle neck but I was curious if in the scheme of things it would have a noticeable effect.

If no ones really done much looking into it, I may take it upon myself to run some real basic experiments if anyone is interested in such a thing. However I'm a full time student and dad so my time is somewhat limited.

Thanks in advance for the help/info.

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I have used both a DVD and image file and found the image file works better for me

on dvds i found the frame rate dropped a lot and with that came laggy sound etc playing from my iso's its just abetter all round experience =]
Ripping an iso wouldn't take more than few minutes, if you have time to play pcsx2 you have plenty of time to rip an iso.
(02-16-2012, 07:46 PM)naoan Wrote: Ripping an iso wouldn't take more than few minutes, if you have time to play pcsx2 you have plenty of time to rip an iso.

Agreed. I was mentioning time in regards to running a bunch of benchmarks comparing the two if it hadn't really been explored yet.
Use your own eyes, the difference is pretty apparent and mostly indisputable. Tongue2
since when you use an iso it doesnt have to constantly read the disc from the drive which will slow down the game a bit in heaveir spots so an iso is the prefered method and its quite easy to make iso out of the games your own.
the main thing is access times, and the fact a DVD drive can spindown in as little as 5 seconds.

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