(12-28-2012, 08:23 AM)shamoman Wrote: Most of the time the whole system freezes, Pc everything and only a few times does the emulator just freeze I am at a loss Like I said I am a newbie for gaming but I am a diehard retro gamer I love my older games and play them all the time I am only 32 but cant get enough of my older games from my youth I play all my old nes and and up emulators this one is very elusive for me. My children keep scratching all the games, for ps2 with no remorse I cant afford to keep buying old games and I dont think I want to upgrade yet to a newer system I just dont know the games I want to keep playing my old ones, so I am open to any or your thoughts on as to why my system keeps doing this. I am very greatful for any of your thoughts folks thank you
I thank you guys for the driver info will try this first. someone told me maybe power problem do you guys agree?
Windows 7 is much more robust than previous versions and makes harder to applications to be able to freeze it completely. When this happens is most probably due to hardware or driver issues, as already pointed.
Overheating is a possibility but not the only. As matter of fact, just having PCSX2 started is among the lightest things you run in your system (I mean, PCSX2 itself does not takes much resources by itself) till you start a game, then it becomes one the most hunger application you can run in you machine and how much hungry depends on the game being played, the same way PC games have proper demands also.
Is hard to try and find why your system is hanging without knowing the game is causing it. If it is with every game so you have a general issue sparkled by demanding applications and need to deal with it at machine level.
You can try to find what may be wrong, windows keep a system log that might be useful to identify whatever really caused the problems and sometimes show possible issues you are not aware.
To access that log you go to "Control Panel" -> "Administrative tools" -> "Event Viewer" and from there navigate the explorer like window toward "Windows Logs" and finally "System".
You may want to filter the log so it shows only Errors and Critical.
You'll need administrator privileges to be able to read this log.
If you see Messages flagged as error or critical, you can take note of their ID and search the internet for solutions or bring it here so we can try orienting how to proceed.