Digital Devil Saga 2 (NTSC) Freeze
Hi, i've been experiencing random freezes when i spent more than 30 min. in the game (sometimes less), this problem mostly happens when i'm entering a battle, when that happens the screen splits in half and the audio goes crazy. (it doesn't let me restart the game, only shut down)

Here's a screenshot:

Im using the nightly - v1.7.5148 and my graphics settings are in default with only the CRT lottes shader

My PC:
Windows 11 64 bits
AMD Ryzen 5 5600G 3.90 GHz
16 GB ram

I forgot to mention that this problem didn't happen with DDS1 until late end game. maybe it's a update problem (?)

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Please post the contents of the emulog.txt file after the problem occurs. The file can be found in "My Documents\PCSX2\logs" for the installer version or in "PCSX2\logs" for the portable/binary version.

Please make sure to enclose your emulog in code tags like so (remove the empty space on the closing code tag!):
Pasted emulog goes here
[ /code]
CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
Mobo : Asus PRIME B450-PLUS
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
RAM : 16 Go
Hi, sorry for answering so late.
There wasn't any emulog.txt file, i checked various times and the file didn't appear. But i downloaded a different version (1.7.5068) and i can cofirm iit's an update problem since the game stopped freezing, i don't know in wich specific version started to appear the problem.

Sorry if this information wasn't of any help. Thank You.
tools->enable file logging.
that will create the emulog while you reproduce the issue
CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
Mobo : Asus PRIME B450-PLUS
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
RAM : 16 Go
I'm having identical issues to the one posted in OP, I rebooted up the game on the 1.7.5161 version with the file logging enabled and got this after a random encounter started and froze

I've also been running the 1.6 version without seeing this issue

[  297.2477] [Unsafe Settings] Texture filtering is not set to Bilinear (PS2). This will break rendering in some games.
[  297.2481] OSD [unsafe_settings_warning]:  Texture filtering is not set to Bilinear (PS2). This will break rendering in some games.
[  312.7662] MTVU speedhack is enabled, saved states may not be stable
[  312.7737]     Saving SPU2
[  312.7740]     Saving GS
[  312.7756] Add 182 seconds play time to SLUS-21152 -> now 150503
[  312.8549] Skipping updating pipeline cache 'E:\Games\PS2 ISOS\pcsx2\cache\vulkan_pipelines.bin' due to no changes.
[  312.9046] Scanning E:\Games\PS2 ISOS (recursively)
[  324.4754] isoFile open ok: E:\Games\PS2 ISOS\Shin Megami Tensei Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 Ps2\Digital Devil Saga 2\DDS2.ISO
[  324.4754]     Image type  = DVD
[  324.4754]  * CDVD Disk Open: DVD, Single layer or unknown:
[  324.4754]  * * Track 1: Data (Mode 1) (2283936 sectors)
[  324.5164] D3D: Found adapter 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti'
[  325.0922] (DynamicLibrary) Loading avutil-58.dll failed: 126
[  325.0925] (DynamicLibrary) Loading avutil-58.dll failed: 126
[  350.5229] Loading BIOS...
[  350.5229] BIOS Found: USA     v02.00(14/06/2004)  Console 20040614-100909
[  350.5240] BIOS rom1 module not found, skipping...
[  350.5240] BIOS rom2 module not found, skipping...
[  350.5240] Opening CDVD...
[  350.5240] isoFile open ok: E:\Games\PS2 ISOS\Shin Megami Tensei Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 Ps2\Digital Devil Saga 2\DDS2.ISO
[  350.5240]     Image type  = DVD
[  350.5240]  * CDVD Disk Open: DVD, Single layer or unknown:
[  350.5240]  * * Track 1: Data (Mode 1) (2283936 sectors)
[  350.5276] Disc changed to DDS2.ISO.
[  350.5276]   Name: Shin Megami Tensei - Digital Devil Saga 2
[  350.5276]   Serial: SLUS-21152
[  350.5276]   Version: 1.00
[  350.5276]   CRC: D382C164
[  350.5277] Loading game settings from 'E:\Games\PS2 ISOS\pcsx2\gamesettings\SLUS-21152_D382C164.ini'...
[  350.5277] Applying settings...
[  350.5280] [Unsafe Settings] Texture filtering is not set to Bilinear (PS2). This will break rendering in some games.
[  350.5280] OSD [unsafe_settings_warning]:  Texture filtering is not set to Bilinear (PS2). This will break rendering in some games.
[  350.5282] Reopening memory cards...
[  350.5282] McdSlot 0 [File]: E:\Games\PS2 ISOS\pcsx2\memcards\Mcd001.ps2
[  350.5283] McdSlot 1 [File]: E:\Games\PS2 ISOS\pcsx2\memcards\Mcd002.ps2
[  350.5286] Opening GS...
[  350.5287] D3D: Found adapter 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti'
[  351.1063] GPU 0: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti
[  351.1404] VK_EXT_provoking_vertex is supported
[  351.1404] VK_EXT_memory_budget is supported
[  351.1404] VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps is supported
[  351.1404] VK_EXT_rasterization_order_attachment_access is NOT supported
[  351.1404] VK_EXT_attachment_feedback_loop_layout is supported
[  351.1404] VK_EXT_full_screen_exclusive is supported
[  351.1404] VK_KHR_driver_properties is supported
[  351.1410] Read 336 entries from 'E:\Games\PS2 ISOS\pcsx2\cache\vulkan_shaders.idx'
[  351.1702] Vulkan Graphics Driver Info:
[  351.1702]     Driver 537.168.0
[  351.1702]     Vulkan 1.3.242
[  351.1702]     Conformance Version
[  351.1702]     537.42
[  351.1702]     NVIDIA
[  351.1702]     NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti
[  351.1746] Opening SPU2...
[  351.1749] Initializing SndBuffer at sample rate of 48000...
[  351.1766] (Cubeb) Using normal 2 speaker stereo output.
[  351.1783] (Cubeb) Minimum latency: 10.00 ms (480 audio frames)
[  351.1978] Initializing Pad...
[  351.1978] Initializing SIO2...
[  351.1978] Initializing SIO0...
[  351.1978] Opening DEV9...
[  351.1990] Opening USB...
[  351.1990] Opening FW...
[  351.1990] EE/iR5900 Recompiler Reset
[  351.2911] VM subsystems initialized in 773.12 ms
[  351.2998] EE/iR5900 Recompiler Reset
[  351.3280] MTVU speedhack is enabled, saved states may not be stable
[  351.3313] ELF changed, active CRC D382C164 (cdrom0:\SLUS_211.52;1)
[  351.3317] Found 1 game patches in SLUS-21152_D382C164.pnach.
[  351.3318] Enabled patch: Widescreen 16:9
[  351.3318] OSD [LoadPatches]: 1 game patches are active.
[  351.3318] Applying core settings...
[  351.3320] Patch: Setting aspect ratio to 16:9 by patch request.
[  351.3320] [Unsafe Settings] Texture filtering is not set to Bilinear (PS2). This will break rendering in some games.
[  351.3320] OSD [unsafe_settings_warning]:  Texture filtering is not set to Bilinear (PS2). This will break rendering in some games.
[  351.3320] Updating CPU configuration...
[  351.3320] EE/iR5900 Recompiler Reset
[  351.3555] Updating GS configuration...
[  351.3559] D3D: Found adapter 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti'
[  351.8888] EE/iR5900 Recompiler Reset
[  351.9383]     Loading SPU2
[  351.9425]     Loading GS
[  351.9789] (UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
[  351.9970] Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to .
[  351.9970] 3375e8  D8860010 lqc2    vf06, 0x  10(a0)
[  351.9970] 3375ec  D8820000 lqc2    vf02, 0x   0(a0)
[  351.9970] 3375f0  DCC20000 ld    v0, 0x   0(a2)
[  351.9970] 3375f4  48A22000 qmtc2    v0, vf04
[  351.9970] 3375f8  20C60008 addi    a2, a2, 0x0008
[  351.9970] 3375fc  4A3301BD vmulay.w ACC,vf00,vf19y
[  351.9970] 337600  4A26C0BC vmaddax.w ACC,vf24,vf06x
[  351.9970] 337604  4A26C8BD vmadday.w ACC,vf25,vf06y
[  351.9970] 337608  4A26D1CA vmaddz.w vf07, vf26, vf06z
[  351.9970] 33760c  4BE2E1BC vmulax.xyzw ACC,vf28,vf02x
[  351.9970] 337610  4BE2E8BD vmadday.xyzw ACC,vf29,vf02y
[  351.9970] 337614  4BE2F0BE vmaddaz.xyzw ACC,vf30,vf02z
[  351.9970] 337618  4BE0F8CB vmaddw.xyzw vf03, vf31, vf00w
[  351.9970] 33761c  4A27383F vaddaw.w ACC,vf07,vf07w
[  351.9970] 337620  4A20018F vmsubw.w vf06, vf00, vf00w
[  351.9970] 337624  4A203A10 vmaxx.w vf08, vf07, vf00x
[  351.9970] 337628  4BE319FF vclip vf03xyz, vf03w
[  351.9970] 33762c  4B8481BC vmulax.xy ACC,vf16,vf04x
[  351.9970] 337630  4B060243 vaddw.x vf09, vf00, vf06w
[  351.9970] 337634  4B8488BD vmadday.xy ACC,vf17,vf04y
[  351.9970] 337638  4A204217 vminiw.w vf08, vf08, vf00w
[  351.9970] 33763c  4B80914B vmaddw.xy vf05, vf18, vf00w
[  351.9970] 337640  48429000 cfc2    v0, ClipFlag
[  351.9970] 337644 *4BE049FF vclip vf09xyz, vf00w
[  351.9970] 337648  4BE0A1BF vmulaw.xyzw ACC,vf20,vf00w
[  351.9970] 33764c  4BE8AA0B vmaddw.xyzw vf08, vf21, vf08w
[  351.9970] 337650  F8830000 sqc2    vf03, 0x   0(a0)
[  351.9970] 337654  F8860010 sqc2    vf06, 0x  10(a0)
[  351.9970] 337658  F8850030 sqc2    vf05, 0x  30(a0)
[  351.9970] 33765c  F8880020 sqc2    vf08, 0x  20(a0)
[  351.9970] 337660  A0820051 sb    v0, 0x  51(a0)
[  351.9970] 337664 =48429000 cfc2    v0, ClipFlag
[  351.9970] 337668  20840060 addi    a0, a0, 0x0060
[  351.9970] 33766c  20A5FFFF addi    a1, a1, 0xFFFF
[  351.9970] 337670  30420003 andi    v0,v0, 0x0003
[  351.9970] 337674  1405FFDC bne    zero, a1, ->$0x003375E8
[  351.9970] 337678  A082FFF0 sb    v0, -0x  10(a0)
[  353.0625] (UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
[  360.9739] Read Abort
[  361.4413] Read Abort
[  361.4722] Read Abort
[  361.4906] Read Abort
[  361.8593] Read Abort
[  361.9599] Read Abort
[  362.4898] Read Abort
[  362.6084] Read Abort
[  362.9948] Read Abort
[  363.1089] Read Abort
[  363.4940] Read Abort
[  369.1881] (UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
[  495.0401] (VMManager) Pausing...
[  496.4667] Add 146 seconds play time to SLUS-21152 -> now 150649
[  496.5452] Skipping updating pipeline cache 'E:\Games\PS2 ISOS\pcsx2\cache\vulkan_pipelines.bin' due to no changes.
[  496.6324] Releasing host memory for virtual systems...
I've been having the exact same issues since starting the game myself last night. Cutscenes either freeze the emulator, only leaving the audio and softlocking or straight up cause it to CTD. Battles always seem to have a slim chance of locking the emulator up same as OP. I don't currently have an emulog file it was overwritten but I do have a crash dump from when it happened earlier this afternoon. I'm on the latest nightly build as well v1.7.5186.

Edit: Was playing more shortly after posting and had the battle transition freeze happen again, it won't let me post the emulog how you guys want it, it says there's a URL in the post and blocks it so I've instead attached it along with the initial crash log that occurred from a cutscene CTDing.

Attached Files
.txt   crash-2023-11-05-14-36-00-394.txt (Size: 26,84 KB / Downloads: 47)
.txt   emulog.txt (Size: 20,01 KB / Downloads: 46)
The read aborts in the emulog are weird. It's almost as if your disk image file is corrupted or dumped improperly.
I don't own the game so I'm unable to test on my side. Does it work with original disk?
(11-07-2023, 12:14 AM)MrWizard Wrote: The read aborts in the emulog are weird. It's almost as if your disk image file is corrupted or dumped improperly.
I don't own the game so I'm unable to test on my side. Does it work with original disk?

I dumped it myself from the physical disc with imgburn, I actually created a 1.6 install, copied the memory cards and continued and have had 0 issues since doing this.
The Read Aborts are totally normal on DDS

if this is happening a lot, if someone can give a way to easily reproduce it, that would be useful.
[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]

Can somebody try this build, somebody on the discord is saying it fixed the random encounter hangs

You will need Github account to access it, also make sure you don't overwrite your normal nightly install.
[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]


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