Disgaea 2 Shut Down Problem
Got a brand new problem here. At Episode 11- awakening - Evil temptation battle. After I defeat it and I try to go to the assembly it automatically shuts down the pcsx 2. It does not do this in previous epiosdes. only around this point it wont lemme go in the assembly. Also i tried something cuz i was curious. I beat this area again but when it tries to load to the main screen it shuts down immediately. I donno if this some kind of speed hack or problem but i dont have any anti alias or speed hack enabled there all turned off. Could be my macbook pro is heating up too much? but this is the error message i get on the "bash" text.

addr 155c8 "rom0OhmySDSYS" -> "cdrom0:\SLUS_213.97;1"
addr 15d30 "rom0OhmySDSYS" -> "cdrom0:\SLUS_213.97;1"
addr 21798 "rom0OhmySDSYS" -> "cdrom0:\SLUS_213.97;1"
addr 90700 "rom0OhmySDSYS" -> "cdrom0:\SLUS_213.97;1"
loadElfFile: cdrom0:\SLUS_213.97;1; CRC = 951555A0
XML Loader returned an error. Trying to load a pnach...
Opening Plugins...
Plugins opened successfully.
ZZogl-PG: Disabling MRT depth writing.
ZZogl-PG: Current game CRC is 951555a0.
ZZogl-PG: You've manually enabled these hacks:
ZZogl-PG: 'No logz' hack enabled.
> Selected savestate slot 1
Bios Version 2.0
Issuing EE/iR5900-32 Recompiler Reset [mem/structure cleanup]
vtlb/mmap: Block Tracking reset...
iR3000A Resetting recompiler memory and structures
Issuing EE/iR5900-32 Recompiler Reset [mem/structure cleanup]
vtlb/mmap: Block Tracking reset...
iR3000A Resetting recompiler memory and structures
Offset 0xa3c9000 invalid. Legit SIGSEGV. Aborting.
Offset 0xece562c4 invalid. Legit SIGSEGV. Aborting.
pcsx2.sh: line 2: 807 Segmentation fault ./pcsx2

Any Suggestions? or what does this mean?
Mubbsy where you at

I had anohter same save state slot. This time when I finish that area for the first time. I get this error

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'R5900Exception::TLBMiss'
(EE) Tlb Miss, addr=0xff59546c [store]pcsx2.sh: line 2: 1004 Abort trap ./pcsx2

What is goin on here?

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uhh... this could be one of a million things. its just the game running into something it doesn't know what to do and so it crashes. it could be the iso but more likely pcxs2 mac cant handle this particular function. theres always a chance updating something or finding a gamefix or getting someone to get past it by running your mem card on windows with pcxs2 0.9.8.
13" 2010 Mac Book Pro - Snow Leopard 10.6.7 - Pcsx2 Version: 0.9.6 (and praying on 0.9.7 to release)
2.4Ghz Intel Duo Core | NVIDIA 320M (256mb) | 4 Gigs 1067mhz DDR3 Ram

yup. keeps ons giving me these kinds of errors.

Offset 0x96b5d090 invalid. Legit SIGSEGV. Aborting.
pcsx2.sh: line 2: 1877 Segmentation fault ./pcsx2

unforunately i only have this macbook pro. any other suggets?
not really, other than the possibility of installing bootcamp or parallels to run windows pcsx2 on your mac for when games get dumb.
13" 2010 Mac Book Pro - Snow Leopard 10.6.7 - Pcsx2 Version: 0.9.6 (and praying on 0.9.7 to release)
2.4Ghz Intel Duo Core | NVIDIA 320M (256mb) | 4 Gigs 1067mhz DDR3 Ram


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