Dynasty Warriors 3/4/5 XL Disk Swapping
I've already done research on this but the most recent answers I could find were from almost a year ago, and since then there have been many improvements.

Anyways, I was wondering if PSCX2/Gigaherz CD plugin simply doesn't work with Dynasty Warriors 3/4/5 XL Disk Swapping. I've seen disk swapping work for other games, but I still can't get it to work for these specific games.

I've tried using ISOs, physical disks, and Daemon Tools, but it doesn't seem to work.

An overview of what happens :
-Prompt on screen : "Data will be loaded from the Dynasty Warriors 5 Disc. Continue?"
-[Select Yes]
-Prompt on screen : "Please insert the Dynasty Warriors 5 disc and close the tray."
-[Insert Dynasty Warriors 5 disk/ISO/mount image]
-Prompt on screen : "Please insert the Dynasty Warriors 5 Xtreme Legends disc and close the disc tray."
-[Insert Dynasty Warriors 5 XL disk/ISO/mount image]
-Prompt on screen : "The wrong disc has been inserted. Please insert the Dynasty Warriors 5 Xtreme Legends disc and close the disc tray."

And yes, all copies of the games are legit physical copies. The ISOs were made from these discs.


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Nobody? :[
Disc swapping is not fully working, doubt you can do anything much about it right now but if anything I'd try only using ISOs loaded in PCSX2 and not mounting them in daemon tools.
Core i5 3570k -- Geforce GTX 670  --  Windows 7 x64
Nope not working with DW games yet unfortunately.
[Image: newsig.jpg]

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