Excellent Specs for emulator?
Its been some time..

anyway here is my specs.

i5 760 overclocked 3.8GHZ (very good cooler)
12gb ddr3 RAM
1gb 5850 ati graphics Overclocked

can i play alot of games smooth?

and is it true my videos in games are lagging because of my slow disk reader?

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maybe be...may not be..try converting the game to iso and playing it...and game are u trying to play exactly????plus post the pcsx2 version u are currently using
If 'disk reader' is an internal HDD, no way. You shouldn't have problems with the majority of games even in high resolutions.
[Image: newsig.jpg]
CPU/GPU looks fine though. Biggrin

kurtfryer Wrote:can i play alot of games smooth?

Yes, you can play many games smooth, but may have 2-3 fps or even 5 fps drop in some areas of some game Tongue2

kurtfryer Wrote:and is it true my videos in games are lagging because of my slow disk reader?

Don't think so. Videos or FMV's may lag.

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