FF12 and system reqs
I'm trying to run FF12 and having some slow down issues. My fps bounces between 70 and 30. I'm running on an intel core i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67 Ghz. with 2.99 GB of ram. I believe this is enough, and am hoping that it is due to my setup. Any help on the issue would be nice.

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What is your GPU. FFX12 tends to be more GPU dependent (or so I've heard).
Nappa: Vegeta! What does the scouter say about his power level?
Vegeta: It's...one thousand and six.
Nappa: Wh-...really?
Vegeta: Yeah! Beat him up Nappa!
Nappa: Yay!
(09-17-2009, 06:04 AM)dr_thrax Wrote: What is your GPU. FFX12 tends to be more GPU dependent (or so I've heard).

Geforce GTX 260
Well, that pretty much confirms that your CPU speed is limiting you. Either overclock that beast, or you can download the beta installer. If you do download the beta installer, be sure to install VC redist 2010.
Nappa: Vegeta! What does the scouter say about his power level?
Vegeta: It's...one thousand and six.
Nappa: Wh-...really?
Vegeta: Yeah! Beat him up Nappa!
Nappa: Yay!
What's your settings? are you running the game from disc or iso? Try the beta as it was suggested.
Core i5 3570k -- Geforce GTX 670  --  Windows 7 x64
also are you running dx9 or dx10 (and are you capable of using 10 if you're using 9?)
GPU limiting? I haven't heard that or had any of my slowdowns be related to GPU...

That said, about the only time my system gets slow downs in FF12 is during busy city scenes... in which case I tilt the camera to face down and it usually speeds up nicely.

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