03-11-2010, 08:58 AM
Hello, my first post here. Sorry if this is in the wrong place or has been answered. I've searched the forums and can't find any help with this particular crash.
PCSX2 version: Official Beta 1888
# CPU options: EErec on, VUrec0 and VUrec1 on, MTGS on
# Plugins used: GSdx 0.1.15 (hardware , dx11)
# Description: T lb Miss error in Macalenia Forest just before the cut scene in which Tidus and Yuna kiss.
Comp Specs:
CPU: i7 920 @ 2.67GHZ
OS: Windows 7 x64
Gcard: ATI Radeon HD 4800
Searching the forums for similar problems, I've already attempted fiddling with the following in both the beta1888 and 0.9.6 versions:
EErec off
EErec negative
Clamp mode Full
VU off
MTGS off
Patches disabled
renderer: Null(Null)
I can't say I've tried all combinations of all these options, but I have tried them all individually and some combos. Any suggestions on what to try next would be great. Thanks!
PCSX2 version: Official Beta 1888
# CPU options: EErec on, VUrec0 and VUrec1 on, MTGS on
# Plugins used: GSdx 0.1.15 (hardware , dx11)
# Description: T lb Miss error in Macalenia Forest just before the cut scene in which Tidus and Yuna kiss.
Comp Specs:
CPU: i7 920 @ 2.67GHZ
OS: Windows 7 x64
Gcard: ATI Radeon HD 4800
Searching the forums for similar problems, I've already attempted fiddling with the following in both the beta1888 and 0.9.6 versions:
EErec off
EErec negative
Clamp mode Full
VU off
MTGS off
Patches disabled
renderer: Null(Null)
I can't say I've tried all combinations of all these options, but I have tried them all individually and some combos. Any suggestions on what to try next would be great. Thanks!