FFX and FFX-2
Hello i tried to play FFX with the same config as said in CKemu's thread


I've got 45-50 FPS but when the first battle comes i've got an error message, maybe is that a misconfiguration of the pcsx2, maybe it's my config?

intel i3 1.8 GHZ 3217U
intel HD graphics 4000
4Go ram

I think that's coming from there but i'm not sure, since it doesn't bug at all before the fight,

I wanted to say i use windows 8

If anyone could help me, i would like to play FFX and FFX-2 again, since i cannot acces to my PS2...

About FFX-2 everything works but the FPS stays under 10 and 30... i could fight but slowly...


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Please post the emulog. Txt after you get a crash
CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
Mobo : Asus PRIME B450-PLUS
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
RAM : 16 Go

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