[7;34mSound[0m:[4;34mWave Entry. (wave0201)[0m
[7;34mSound[0m:Wave Receive End.
BattleWaveCallback 0 00000000.
DMA-0: 0, 00000000, 00000000
DMA-1: 0, 00000000, 00000000
[7;34mSound[0m:Wave-P Read Start.
[7;34mSound[0m:Wave-P Read End.
ep Setting Start. (1152)
ep Setting End.
[7;34mSound[0m:Wave Receive Start.
[7;34mSound[0m:[4;34mWave Entry. (wave0251)[0m
[7;34mSound[0m:Wave Receive End.
BattleWaveCallback 0 00000000.
DMA-0: 0, 00000000, 00000000
DMA-1: 0, 00000000, 00000000
[7;34mSound[0m:Wave-P Read Start.
[7;34mSound[0m:Wave-P Read End.
ep Setting Start. (1568)
ep Setting End.
[7;34mSound[0m:Wave Receive Start.
[7;34mSound[0m:[4;34mWave Entry. (wave0261)[0m
[7;34mSound[0m:Wave Receive End.
BattleWaveCallback 0 00000000.
DMA-0: 0, 00000000, 00000000
DMA-1: 0, 00000000, 00000000
[7;34mSound[0m:Wave-P Read Start.
[7;34mSound[0m:Wave-P Read End.
Is this what you need? I'm not too savvy about these kinds of things. I just copied from when the game loaded to when the game froze. I was only loaded into game for 1 minute before the battle crash. Is there any specific sources that need to be selected in the log?
Sorry for not fully knowing what it is that I'm doing ):