I come to this forum because I have a problem, I do not understand why the FPS Sly 2 with PCSX2 is lower on a powerful PC (25-35fps) (i7), whereas it is normal (50 FPS) on a less powerful PC (i3). I did the test with two different PC's with the following properties :
PC 1 : http://www.partage-facile.com/OZ86Y0KYCM...3.txt.html
And here's a picture to illustrate the configuration of PCSX2 1.0.0: Come soon.
And finally here are some pictures to illustrate the FPS game: http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/867042...ly2i32.png and http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/691321pcsx2sly2i3.png
On this PC everything works fine (so this is the i3 and less powerful of the two.)
PC 2 : http://www.partage-facile.com/8SPBKMJCJF...7.txt.html
And here's a picture to illustrate the configuration of PCSX2 1.0.0:
Come soon too.
And finally here are some pictures to illustrate the FPS game:
http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/358036pcsx2i7IG1.png and http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/235017pcsx2i7IG2.png
So, if someone know why the FPS is lower on the powerful PC I would appreciate it.
Thank you in advance and good evening.
PS : Sorry for bad english, as you can see on the pictures I'm French
I come to this forum because I have a problem, I do not understand why the FPS Sly 2 with PCSX2 is lower on a powerful PC (25-35fps) (i7), whereas it is normal (50 FPS) on a less powerful PC (i3). I did the test with two different PC's with the following properties :
PC 1 : http://www.partage-facile.com/OZ86Y0KYCM...3.txt.html
And here's a picture to illustrate the configuration of PCSX2 1.0.0: Come soon.
And finally here are some pictures to illustrate the FPS game: http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/867042...ly2i32.png and http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/691321pcsx2sly2i3.png
On this PC everything works fine (so this is the i3 and less powerful of the two.)
PC 2 : http://www.partage-facile.com/8SPBKMJCJF...7.txt.html
And here's a picture to illustrate the configuration of PCSX2 1.0.0:
Come soon too.
And finally here are some pictures to illustrate the FPS game:
http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/358036pcsx2i7IG1.png and http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/235017pcsx2i7IG2.png
So, if someone know why the FPS is lower on the powerful PC I would appreciate it.
Thank you in advance and good evening.
PS : Sorry for bad english, as you can see on the pictures I'm French