Fatal Frame 1 messed up camera..
Idk if anyones reported this or not, and if there's a fix for it I'm sorry I couldn't find it..
But, everytime I try to play my copy of Fatal Frame 1 [Aka Project Zero 1 in some countries] all goes well [the sounds a bit choppy / fuzzy / staticy sometimes.. No not the normal game sounds].. Until I encounter a ghost or something I have to take a picture of. The 'hitbox' or whatever you'd like to call it, is WAY off. If I have to take a picture of say the ghosts face, I'll end up having to take a picture of its arm or body to 'hit' the face.. It's so off it gets ridiculous. Even shooting objects that don't move takes several minutes to figure out exactly where to shoot because it's so off.. It's hard enough playing with a keyboard when the controls are on, yet alone when they aren't.. If there's any way I can fix this myself, or if someone could please work on this.. I'd be greatly appreciated.. This is one of my favorite games Dx

[P.S. Running on 9.7., Doesn't work on 9.6 for me]

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Try using a (software) renderer in GSdx.

Just a suggestion but please try not to use that ugly text color/size again.
Core i5 3570k -- Geforce GTX 670  --  Windows 7 x64
(09-01-2010, 02:21 AM)Shadow Lady Wrote: Try using a (software) renderer in GSdx.

Just a suggestion but please try not to use that ugly text color/size again.

I wish I'd the slightest idea what you meant ><.. And I like that color =.=..
Ok... you're using 0.9.7 so go to the menu "config > video (GS) > plugin settings" and change the renderer to a (Software) one, preferably Direct3D10/11 if available to you.
Core i5 3570k -- Geforce GTX 670  --  Windows 7 x64
(09-01-2010, 02:33 AM)Shadow Lady Wrote: Ok... you're using 0.9.7 so go to the menu "config > video (GS) > plugin settings" and change the renderer to a (Software) one, preferably Direct3D10/11 if available to you.

This fixes that issue, but also makes all the menu screens rather shaky.. It's not a huge deal but if there's another option that might fix both I'd rather use that. However, thank you so much! I really appreciate your help.
Also, the graphics get kinda buggy looking as well.. As well as pretty crappy lol
The problem with using the software renderer is that you're limited to the native resolution of the game (that is, the exact same resolution as if it was running on a PS2, which is generally 640x480 or lower). It's also generally slower than a hardware renderer, but it is more accurate as you notice it doesn't have as many graphic bugs.

While some graphics bugs can be fixed by trying to tweak some settings, a lot of them either will be fixed in a later version, or may not at all due to the differences between how the PS2 handles graphics and how a PC handles graphics.

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