07-30-2010, 05:24 AM (This post was last modified: 08-04-2010, 02:15 AM by ken_blanco31.)
My final fantasy X has frame problems its laggy and t runs at below 30 fps even though i put it 60
I tried frameskipping everytime it goes down 45 but it lags even more what should i do?
My specs:
2.0 Ghz processor intel
1.5 gb ram
1gb video card NVIDIA geforce 8600T
i use sse2 for graphics any suggestions?
Direct3d 9(hardware)
I don't have 11 and 10 always windows
(Sorry bout the double posting the internet stopped so i thought it didn't register..)
PCSX2 0.9.6 compiled on February 27 2009
Edit: it says
CPU vendor name: Genuine Intel
x86Family: Intel ® Core 2 cpu 4400 @ 2.00 ghz
Cores: 2 Logical
First off is that a Pentium Dual Core, Core 2 Duo, Pentium 4 or Celeron? There is no easy way of telling but to me it sounds like you need GSDX 846 0.1.9 and SPU2-X 1.4.0 (Nearest, Async mix, Disabled effects).
Don't use frameskipping, it doesn't do any help, instead your going to need speedhacks like EE cyclerate 3, VU cycle stealing maximum, INTC sync hack, and wait loop/sync hack.
Also, it depends what build of PCSX2 your using. You need a miniumum of 3-3.2 ghz for Pentium 4 as far as playability is concerned, and on Core 2 Duo you need at least 1.6 ghz, on a Celeron or Pentium Dual Core you'll need 1.8-2 ghz.
It's all about the build you use, try using the latest beta and if that doesn't work try around a couple betas and builds. If all goes well you should get a result similar to this (my CPU was at 4 ghz with hyperthreading enabled):
This should be 15% faster since I was using rounding chop/zero and clamp at normal, with those set to nearest/none the emulation isn't as accurate but it's fast.
Even Final Fantasy XII is playable for me now with at least 50 FPS at 4 ghz.
Seriously, if you post that video once more I'll warn you. Yes I can see you are excited with the results you get but posting the same and same video all over the forum each time you succeed in getting some more fps and in threads it is totally unrelated (and that's all threads unless in the hardware forum) is very tiring and eventually annoying. I know you're not doing it on purpose so please stop it, thanks
(07-30-2010, 10:02 PM)Bositman Wrote: Seriously, if you post that video once more I'll warn you. Yes I can see you are excited with the results you get but posting the same and same video all over the forum each time you succeed in getting some more fps and in threads it is totally unrelated (and that's all threads unless in the hardware forum) is very tiring and eventually annoying. I know you're not doing it on purpose so please stop it, thanks
Sorry about that.. My fault. Arghh. (I need to change ISP's ). Sorry again and thanks for consideration
08-05-2010, 04:39 PM (This post was last modified: 08-05-2010, 04:39 PM by nosisab Ken Keleh.)
The first thing should be trying the 0.9.7
About the CPU cores, there is no doubt it has 2 cores, the edit in the OP tell it a core 2 and I'm myself confused about the Intel nomenclature. It's it has dual core, core duo and n different sockets, with the most diverse capping features among the same series and that continued in the iX series but at least became more comprehensible now.
But that information is indeed meaningful because the architecture plays a greater role than just the raw clocks... think like one model can do 1 thing at each clock cycle while another can do 2 or more things in the same clock cycle and you get the picture.
Now the actual answer. VU cycle stealing too high is the main reason for the laggy behavior, although it can increase the FPS it actually reduce the number of things happening. Yours is similar to that setup on DangerousD machine, the main difference being the number of cores x raw speed in one only. His solution can help you.
But that 30FPS always suggest the driver's vsync active, Open the Nvidia control panel, 3D settings, the last option and make sure it is forced OFF. Since it effectively reduces the FPS to values it can actually synchronizes with the vertical refresh rate and this normally means half the nominal.
(08-05-2010, 04:39 PM)nosisab Ken Keleh Wrote: The first thing should be trying the 0.9.7
About the CPU cores, there is no doubt it has 2 cores, the edit in the OP tell it a core 2 and I'm myself confused about the Intel nomenclature. It's it has dual core, core duo and n different sockets, with the most diverse capping features among the same series and that continued in the iX series but at least became more comprehensible now.
But that information is indeed meaningful because the architecture plays a greater role than just the raw clocks... think like one model can do 1 thing at each clock cycle while another can do 2 or more things in the same clock cycle and you get the picture.
Now the actual answer. VU cycle stealing too high is the main reason for the laggy behavior, although it can increase the FPS it actually reduce the number of things happening. Yours is similar to that setup on DangerousD machine, the main difference being the number of cores x raw speed in one only. His solution can help you.
But that 30FPS always suggest the driver's vsync active, Open the Nvidia control panel, 3D settings, the last option and make sure it is forced OFF. Since it effectively reduces the FPS to values it can actually synchronizes with the vertical refresh rate and this normally means half the nominal.
Yeah I tried that. But im still havng issues with fps whenever i got to a point where it loads a large graphics its fps comes to below 25 and it becomes so laggy. But when im on small screen like for example wakka's room in besaid its normal.
What graphics plugin and audio plugin should is use?
My audio plugin now is SPUX1.4
and my video is the Gsdx3034 sse3
i have the beta build im currently using the 0.9.7