Frame skip freeze frames instead skips (gt4)
So.. hi everyone, I have little problem here that I couldn't find answer on mighty google.
So I have pcsx2 9.8, standard plugins and the game, gt4.
And it doesn't work so well (about 70% of normal game speed), so I would like this frame skip thing to help me a little, but I have problem with that.
I'm not sure how this frame skip should work but I think it's should skips frames when PC have problem to render in right time.
So game is less smooth but works faster.
And my problem with it's skip number of "frames to skip" but instead to jump to next frame it's freeze in first and then, continue to show "frames to draw" at slow speed.
For instance if set
frames to draw - 50
frames to skip - 100
I see slow and smooth 50 frames played and game freeze at 50th frame for 100 frames, and then continue to play from 150th frame, after 50 frames freeze again and so on.
There is maybe some better plugins for frame skipping?
I know, I have too slow pc to run this game smoothly, but if this frame skipping would work, I think I could play it without a problems.
When I said I have slow pc, I should mention it's a laptop and I know that you doesn't like them, but I have nothing to do with this gt4 so it would be nice to play it a little.
(specs i3 2,1ghz, 6gb ram, gf 540m 1gb)

PS. Sorry if I failed with english, if there is something you can't understand, I will try correct myself.


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dude if wana play gt4 u need to have a really fast comp.....its the best u r getting looking at your specs....there is nothing you can besides a upgrade.....
So this is how frame skip works or my pc is too slow to use this feature properly?
I manage to have smooth game with 2-3 cars on track so I don't want to stop here.
Also, if these freezes would gone and game skip them to next frame (I know it will lower fps) I could comfortable play the game.

Edit: Same freezes I have in menu, when without "skipping" frames game works smooth.
if u enable frame skip u will get choppy fps...and gt4 is a very demanding game.....u can try speed hacks but full speed for u would be very hard to achieve
At 4GHz, you'll get a comfortable 5x - 6x + fps in this game without speedhacks that is if you're not GPU limited. The lowest I saw was in the 4x fps range but that only last for a few seconds during the race track introduction before the actual race.
(11-06-2011, 04:36 PM)Sir_Ozi Wrote: For instance if set
frames to draw - 50
frames to skip - 100
I see slow and smooth 50 frames played and game freeze at 50th frame for 100 frames, and then continue to play from 150th frame, after 50 frames freeze again and so on.
That's exactly what you told it to do. You should maybe try a setting like
Frames to draw, 1, frames to skip 1. Then every 1 frame, the next frame is skipped.

What you've asked it to do is draw 50 in a row then skip 100 in a row. Then you complained. But it's clearly working as intended.

Try lowering both of those numbers a lot.

Also don't turn on frameskip at all. If it's running slow, then just turn on some speedhacks or live with the fact that the game is going to be slow on your computer.

Sorry guy.

With 1 frame draw and 1 frame skip I get the same thing
I see one frame, than game freeze for one frame, then play frame after freezed frame.
And I would like to
I see one frame, than game skip for one frame, then play frame after skipped frame.
So part " than game skip for one frame" is invisible and... skipped.

I KNOW what you tring to say, and REALLY THANK YOU for all answers, that you try to help me, but I don't see any answer on first question.
It is how frame skipping should work, or is something wrong? (I mean with freezing frames)
Interesting. Do you guys think a SB 2600k OC'ed to 4.5-5.0Ghz could run GTIV at rock solid 60fps?
Yeah it won't have any problems, especially using the MTVU hack it shouldn't need over 4 Ghz I guesstimate Tongue
[Image: newsig.jpg]
Also, it will need a good graphics card or best ones such as Nvidia Geforce GTX 580 or ATI Radeon HD 6990. Tongue2

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