Freeze when memory card is checked
First, I'm sorry for my bad English.
My PCSX2 freezes, when the game "Tony Hawk's Underground 2" checks the memory card. The game is an ISO-File from the Original CD.

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go to the bios and format the memory card?
How Can I do that?
change the iso source to "no disc"
The memory Cards are formated now, but it still doesn't work Sad but thanks for the fast Reply
Do you mean it crashes PCSX2 or is the game simply not progressing?
I think I remember memcard accesses being very slow with that game, so give it more time.
The game is not progressing. How long I have to wait?
(10-02-2012, 02:53 PM)Moebbie Wrote: The game is not progressing. How long I have to wait?

an hour or 2 would suffice :3

trolling aside,

when you need to acces the memorycard what does the fps counter say?

if you can run this game on fullspeed, hit F4 (disables framelimiting) so it could be potentially faster Smile
dont forget to press it again when you can progres.
(10-02-2012, 02:58 PM)warWeeny Wrote: when you need to acces the memorycard what does the fps counter say?

It says 220 fps. But still doesn't work. It can't be the game, it is working on ps2.
post your emulog?

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