Fullscreen 4:3
I play FFX at pcsx2 0.9.6 using a 16:10 widescreen monitor. As you know FFX has a 4:3 ratio, I want to play it fullscreen but without stretching. Is it possible to do that? I use ZeroGS v0.97.1 as my graphics plug-in, I couldn't see such an option to "not strech".
Thanks in advance

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See where it says aspect ratio? Change that to 4:3. Only use 16:9 or stretch when you're using games with widescreen modes.

If you don't see that option in gsdx, you may just be using too old of a version in which case you need to download the latest GSDX plugins and/or latest beta PCSX. You could also press F6 while in game as well.
Well, I didn't say that I was using Gsdx, I'm asking if there's a way to do it with ZeroGS. And F6 in-game switches AA if you're using ZeroGS.
(08-23-2009, 03:19 PM)Alastor Wrote: Well, I didn't say that I was using Gsdx, I'm asking if there's a way to do it with ZeroGS. And F6 in-game switches AA if you're using ZeroGS.

Play in Wide Screen Mode or Press Alt+Enter to go full Screen but I would rec Wide Screen for what you want to do. These can be found in the Config for ZeroGS
Ahhh totally my fault, it's early in the morning and I didn't read it all the way <_<.
(08-23-2009, 04:33 PM)Koji Wrote: Ahhh totally my fault, it's early in the morning and I didn't read it all the way <_<.

ya ya excuses excuse Tongue

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