GPU disappeared from Rendering Adapter list
I've been switching between software rendering and hardware (vulkan to my nvidia gpu) to get different games running at their smoothest, and after clicking "restore defaults" in the graphics options this time, i could no longer find my nvidia gpu in the drop down menu under Adapter when the selected renderer is Vulkan (as it normally is). Renderer: Vulkan, Adapter: Nvidia is usually my best option to avoid slowdowns and frame drops, so now most games don't run as well. I've searched the options menus, my nvidia control panel, and these forums for clues but haven't found anything so far. Any help would be appreciated <3

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Which Nvidia drivers version ?
CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
Mobo : Asus PRIME B450-PLUS
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
RAM : 16 Go
NVIDIA GeForce GT 740

it's nothing high performance but it's been working well enough until now
you're quite late on your drivers
download and sintall :
CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
Mobo : Asus PRIME B450-PLUS
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
RAM : 16 Go
i didn't realize, thank you! I'm pretty new to linux though and im not sure if there's a way i can run this exe file. I'm using Ubuntu 20.04.6 if that helps. I searched Nvidia's website for linux drivers and found some, but they're all .run files(?) so I'm figuring that out now. I tried copying and pasting the .run filepath in terminal, and it started installing but soon displayed an error:

nvidia-installer: Error opening log file '/var/log/nvidia-installer.log' for writing (Permission denied); disabling logging.

thanks so much for your patience so far by the way Smile
ok i found some more info on nvidia's website:

Linux x64 (AMD64/EM64T) Display Driver
Version: 470.256.02
Operating System: Linux 64-bit
Release Date: June 4, 2024

This is the driver i currently have and it's the highest version number whose "supported products" list specifically includes my device. Not sure if higher version number prefix always means newer though? but everything starting with 5xx doesn't include my device in that list.
oh, sorry. didn't see it was linux

so, no, sorry, i'm not the good guy for this.
IIRC the only thing i can tell you is "don't use wayland"
But that's probably the only advice as i'm not a real linux guy
CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
Mobo : Asus PRIME B450-PLUS
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
RAM : 16 Go
ok no worries! any advice is helpful, thanks Smile

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