GTA Vice City Stories. slow speed
I'm getting slow speed in Vice City Stories. I tried using different presets, different speed hacks, and disabling speed hacks all together. but all of them have basically the same result: Still slow game speed.

I'm using Windows 8 and this also happens on Windows 7 too.

For example, It's full speed while inside a safehouse. Then when i go outside, the fps drops alot (from 60 to 40s-30s) and everything is slow mo, including audio. The game runs faster when I look at the floor. Alos, it seems to happen more frequently during a specific area

I tired to record a video of the problem. but in the video, it shows no lag what so ever. I notice that when the lag happens, my cpu usage increase to 30-50 %. When it's full speed, it's in the 20s% and lower.

Q8400 2.66 ghz
HD 6970 video card

Windows 7 & 8 64 bit.

I'm using the latest PCSX2 build.

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if you can overclock your CPu to 3.4-3.5 ghz, that will help.
CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
Mobo : Asus PRIME B450-PLUS
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
RAM : 16 Go
(07-13-2013, 09:24 PM)imeem Wrote: I tired to record a video of the problem. but in the video, it shows no lag what so ever.

Did you record with pcsx2 recorder?

If you did then if you record using that then the frames are sped up making it seem like the game is playing at full speed
System Specs
CPU:AMD FX 8350 3.5ghz turbo to 4ghz
GPU: Sapphire HD 7750 GDDR5
MOBO:Gigabyte GA-78LMT-USB3 Rev 5.0
OS:Windows 8.1 64 Bit
(07-13-2013, 09:34 PM)jesalvein Wrote: if you can overclock your CPu to 3.4-3.5 ghz, that will help.

Can't was originally OEM computer. I can play other games normally tho. Just as the Gundam Seed game, Rise to Honor, and Fullmetal Alchemist. VCS is the only i'm having trouble with.

(07-13-2013, 09:44 PM)Black Ops Wrote: Did you record with pcsx2 recorder?

If you did then if you record using that then the frames are sped up making it seem like the game is playing at full speed

ye I used the in game recorder. Tried fraps but recording and playing was super slow.

So it is a bug/glitch or it's just my cpu isn't good enough?
The recorder in PCSX2 doesn't record "real time" it records "full speed". Even if you only got 4fps while recording, it would speed it up on playback to look full speed.

VCS requires a pretty hefty CPU, mainly because it was a very quick/poor port to PS2 from the PSP. As such, it plays rather badly even on a real PS2 and is rather difficult to emulate.
I often see these phrases
Quote: As such, it plays rather badly even on a real PS2
and it bewilders me, I almost finished this game on PS2 and I don't remember encountering any slowdowns. Moreover it has somewhat better graphics compared to its sibling on PSP.

Anyway, about the problem. First, I haven't finished the game on the emu, I just barely started it, but I ran through the first area back and forth, and I get fullspeed on a 2.2Ghz pentium b960, except the following situation:
1. If I get near the water the fps drops. If I face it directly the fps drops in half, the less it gets into the frame the less fps drops.
2. There are a lot of objects (cars, buildings, pedestrians) on the screen at the same time.
3. Cutscenes

My advice: In Gsdx turn on the "allow 8-bit textures", it'll increase your fps. Set resolution to native: this game is GPU hungry, really hungry. Turn on the recommended speedhacks. Because you have quad-core CPU turn on MTVU hack.
(07-14-2013, 08:10 AM)Dant Wrote: I often see these phrases and it bewilders me, I almost finished this game on PS2 and I don't remember encountering any slowdowns. Moreover it has somewhat better graphics compared to its sibling on PSP.

I've played the games both on PSP and PS2, the PSP games don't exactly run well on PSP, but they run even worse on PS2 (bad frame rate, sudden drops in frame rate). As for "better graphics", maybe in the sense that they are rendered in a higher resolution, aside from that it uses the same models and textures only blown up to full screen... making them look even worse than the original PS2 games they are based on.

They were rushed ports to try and ring a few extra bucks out of them. Rockstar (and Sony) were expecting these games to sell lots of PSP and indeed games... Even GTA couldn't pull off that miracle. I'm not sure if they LOST money on the PSP games, but they surely didn't get them as much money as they were expecting, so they quickly repackaged them to PS2 to try and get a bit more off of them... being so late into the PS2's life (and already into PS3's) they didn't even afford the porting much money. The games run (and are emulated) like poo.
Well according to wikipedia:
Quote:The port has improvements such as enhanced graphics (including the addition of bloom effects, enabled via a "trails" option), draw distance, and performance as expected, but also includes a few new side activities that were not in the PSP release such as five new odd jobs, six additional unique jumps, five more rampages, and a new easter egg.
The PlayStation 2 port of the game was criticized for having the same coding as the PSP version and for fixing very few issues and removing some things, but was praised for better lightning.
GTA:Vice City Stories is a harsh port too
it runs poorly on pcsx2
i gave up on this game very long time ago
because it'll never run fine on pcsx2 Sad
(07-14-2013, 08:10 AM)Dant Wrote: My advice: In Gsdx turn on the "allow 8-bit textures",

that helps alot. Practically all the lag is gone (just 1-2 fps drop from here and there). Tho, it does create some visual glitches for me, but not that big of a deal since now i can (hopefully) finish the story for this game. I thought i had to re-buy this game from the PS3 store.

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