Game: Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3
Sorry! for my frequent no. of threads and problems! My friend which i was talking about bought a Intel I5 2500k @ 3.30 GHz, Intel HD Graphics Card
with Windows 7 _x64

He tried MGS3 and can only get up to a speed of 37-42~ fps.
WWE smack down vs Raw 2009 also runs quite good( execpt it drops down a count of 2-3 fps in the arena and some part of the characters are missing mostly in the waistMellow). and dbz bt 3 pal version brought the flickering problem!(in fight screen).

To help him i searched Google and round upon an solution of using Gsdx 1.4(something). Well the older GSdx was too slow for him but it removed the flicker problem!

Plz help him for the 2 Queations:

1) Why in WWE smackdown... PAL version the character have missing part?

2) Why in Dbz Budokau Tenkaichi 3...PAL, flicker occurs? Can GSdx(later versions) play dbz bt 3 without flicker(exepct older ver.) If so which version?

3)Would he need to buy the 2 games again (in NTSC)? He's just scared, if the NTSC versions would have same problems. Will NTSC have other problems?

His settings
Tried both DX10/dx11(Hardware), and DX9(Hardware), and Softwares...
Native Res.
Log. Z

Sad Gsdx 1.4 is very slow , ZeroGS has gfx problems
Rolleyes Mine dbz bt3 pal runs quite good. but his does notUnsure

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An Intel graphics card...? Are we sure that's not the integrated GPU?
This is the pseudo-gpu into the sandybridge.... it's almost useless.
i5 2500k@4,9ghz / Gtx980 Msi Gaming / 2x SSD Samsung 840pro 256gb / Acer Predator 24" G-sync
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Old JRPG fan, experienced mmo player, PC hardware expert
That's what I'd figure. If that's the case, said friend needs a decent graphics card, not just any garphics processing unit. He's trying to play games, not watch a video.
My friend plans to get a new Nvidia Geforce card! But what about the missing parts of chars and flicker in dbz bt3?
That much should at least work fine in software mode but you say it didn't?
Core i5 3570k -- Geforce GTX 670  --  Windows 7 x64
(03-28-2011, 04:48 PM)Shadow Lady Wrote: That much should at least work fine in software mode but you say it didn't?

Yes It didn't!
Nor any type of config is working. Would the NTSC version of Game work properly?
I would suggest he get's the nVidia graphics card first. I can't say for sure, but I wanna say that the Intel GPU is to blame. Seems like I've read they're proned to problems of their own, ya know? Not sure what to say about software mode... Maybe he has a bad rip? Re-make the ISO with Imgburn to be sure.

Either way, he'll need an actually card. Might as well make that priority number 1. The older GSdx was probably only slow because of the lack of a decent GPU. If things aren't any better with the card, then you'll at least know it's not his hardware.
Well! He just bought an new Graphics Card "NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX 550!" Closedeyes
WWE has got the problem solved!Laugh
But DBZ BT3 hasn't
Dbz bt3 has the problem in the fight screen(it flickers)Tongue

(03-29-2011, 04:28 PM)recoder Wrote: But DBZ BT3 hasn't
Dbz bt3 has the problem in the fight screen(it flickers)Tongue

no other choice to use gsdx 0.1.4 or 0.1.5 instead.

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