Game doesn't read saves
I'm trying to use my original PS2 saves of Star Wars Battlefront II.
I've copied them from my original memory card and got these files:

Then I've "compiled" them with ps2save-builder

and insert them in my pcsx2's memory card with mymc.

If I start the bios and browse the memory card everything's fine

The Test profile is the one I've created in the game with pcsx2 and it works, EMAeGIU is the original one from my PS2. The BIOS reads it but the game doesn't

I've also tried to download a game save from gamespot, I've insert it in pcsx2's memory card with mymc and like the original one it doesn't work. The BIOS read them but the game refuse to do so.
The game recognize just the saves created within the emulated star wars.
What am I missing? Any idea?

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