Posts: 3
Threads: 1
Joined: Jun 2015
06-09-2015, 03:13 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-09-2015, 03:14 PM by renehigita.)
Hi there,
I've been playing the same game for a while, with minor issues - my hardware is limited i'm playing on an ultrabook.
Now i've reached a point in the game where it seems to just freeze. Sounds keep playing, but video is stuck (and i just get a blackscreen if i create then load an sstate at that point), and controls don't impact the sounds playing.
I get the message "ASSERT File:MemoryHeap.cpp Line:376:" in the console every time the freeze happens. Sometimes i also get 3 red lines in the console just before that, but just as often they don't come up (they're "(EE: pc ...) TLB Miss, adr=... [load]).
I've tried many courses of action in-game, thinking maybe it's the rendering of a particular part of the map that causes issues, no luck. I've tried changing a lot of the settings, one by one, to find a culprit, no luck either.
Here's the setup I'm using:
windows 8.1, pcsx2 1.2.1, bios europe 2.0. The game is gta: sa
I could list everything that'd help, but since i've been playing so much with the settings i am not sure it'd be helpful. Do ask though, i'll do it if necessary
I'm looking for possible suggestions of what to try, what to turn off or on, or how perhaps how to diagnose the particular issue.
Thanks for reading this far o/
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Joined: May 2014
please provide your full emulog. make sure to disable all the active cheats
We're supposed to be working as a team, if we aren't helping and suggesting things to each other, we aren't working as a team.
- Refraction
Posts: 3
Threads: 1
Joined: Jun 2015
Hi ssakash,
Here is what i get, re-launching pcsx2, loading the sstate just before freeze, and the program again (I bolded the lines appearing right when it freezes):
PCSX2 1.2.1.r5873 - compiled on Feb 3 2014
Savestate version: 0x9a0a0000
Host Machine Init:
Operating System = Microsoft (build 9200), 64-bit
Physical RAM = 7813 MB
CPU name = Intel® Core i5-3317U CPU @ 1.70GHz
Vendor/Model = GenuineIntel (stepping 09)
CPU speed = 1.694 ghz (2 logical threads)
x86PType = Standard OEM
x86Flags = bfebfbff 7dbae3bf
x86EFlags = 28100000
x86 Features Detected:
MMX.. SSE.. SSE2.. SSE3.. SSSE3.. SSE4.1.. SSE4.2.. AVX
Reserving memory for recompilers...
Loading plugins...
Binding GS: C:\Program Files (x86)\PCSX2 1.2.1\Plugins\gsdx32-avx-r5875.dll
Windows 6.2.9200
Binding PAD: C:\Program Files (x86)\PCSX2 1.2.1\Plugins\lilypad-r5875.dll
Binding SPU2: C:\Program Files (x86)\PCSX2 1.2.1\Plugins\spu2-x-r5875.dll
Binding CDVD: C:\Program Files (x86)\PCSX2 1.2.1\Plugins\cdvdGigaherz.dll
Binding USB: C:\Program Files (x86)\PCSX2 1.2.1\Plugins\USBnull.dll
Binding FW: C:\Program Files (x86)\PCSX2 1.2.1\Plugins\FWnull.dll
Binding DEV9: C:\Program Files (x86)\PCSX2 1.2.1\Plugins\DEV9null.dll
Plugins loaded successfully.
(GameDB) 9655 games on record (loaded in 268ms)
HLE Notice: ELF does not have a path.
Initializing plugins...
Init GS
Windows 6.2.9200
Init PAD
Init SPU2
Init USB
Init FW
Init DEV9
Plugins initialized successfully.
Opening plugins...
Opening GS
Opening PAD
Opening SPU2
Opening CDVD
isoFile open ok: C:\Users\Rene\Documents\Jeux\emus\PCSX2\SAN_ANDREAS.iso
Image type = DVD
* CDVD Disk Open: DVD, Single layer or unknown:
* * Track 1: Data (Mode 1) (2197152 sectors)
Opening USB
Opening FW
Opening DEV9
McdSlot 0: C:\Users\Rene\Documents\PCSX2\memcards\Mcd001.ps2
McdSlot 1: C:\Users\Rene\Documents\PCSX2\memcards\Mcd002.ps2
Plugins opened successfully.
EE/iR5900-32 Recompiler Reset
Bios Found: Europe v02.00(14/06/2004) Console
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
(UpdateVSyncRate) FPS Limit Changed : 59.94 fps
# Initialize memory (rev:3.70, ctm:393Mhz, cpuclk:295Mhz detected)
PlayStation 2 ======== Hard reset boot
ROMGEN=2004-0614, IOP info (CPUID=1f, CACH_CONFIG=0, 2MB, IOP mode)
# Total accessable memory size: 32 MB (B:2:8:0) (370:2:7c30)
# TLB spad=0 kernel=1:12 default=13:30 extended=31:38
# Initialize Start.
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to PAL.
(UpdateVSyncRate) FPS Limit Changed : 50.00 fps
# Initialize GS ...
# Initialize INTC ...
# Initialize TIMER ...
# Initialize DMAC ...
# Initialize VU1 ...
# Initialize VIF1 ...
# Initialize GIF ...
# Initialize VU0 ...
# Initialize VIF0 ...
# Initialize IPU ...
# Initialize FPU ...
# Initialize User Memory ...
# Initialize Scratch Pad ...
# Initialize Done.
EE DECI2 Manager version 0.06 Feb 6 2003 08:38:48
CPUID=2e20, BoardID=0, ROMGEN=2004-0614, 32M
(SYSTEM.CNF) Detected PS2 Disc = cdrom0:\SLUS_209.46;1
(SYSTEM.CNF) Software version = 1.03
(SYSTEM.CNF) Disc region type = NTSC
ELF (cdrom0:\SLUS_209.46;1) Game CRC = 0x399A49CA, EntryPoint = 0x00100008
(SYSTEM.CNF) Detected PS2 Disc = cdrom0:\SLUS_209.46;1
(SYSTEM.CNF) Software version = 1.03
(SYSTEM.CNF) Disc region type = NTSC
IOP Realtime Kernel Ver.0.9.1
Copyright 1999 © Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
Reboot service module.(99/11/10)
cdvd driver module version 0.1.1 ©SCEI
Load File service.(99/11/05)
Multi Threaded Fileio module.(99/11/15)
iop heap service (99/11/03)
loadelf: fname cdrom0:¥SLUS_209.46;1 secname all
loadelf version 3.30
Input ELF format filename = cdrom0:¥SLUS_209.46;1
0 00100000 0056b180 .......................................................................................
Loaded, cdrom0:¥SLUS_209.46;1
start address 0x100008
gp address 00000000
# Restart Without Memory Clear.
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
(UpdateVSyncRate) FPS Limit Changed : 59.94 fps
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to PAL.
(UpdateVSyncRate) FPS Limit Changed : 50.00 fps
# Initialize GS ...
# Initialize INTC ...
# Initialize TIMER ...
# Initialize DMAC ...
# Initialize VU1 ...
# Initialize VIF1 ...
# Initialize GIF ...
# Initialize VU0 ...
# Initialize VIF0 ...
# Initialize IPU ...
# Initialize FPU ...
# Initialize Scratch Pad ...
# Restart Without Memory Clear Done.
Get Reboot Request From EE
PlayStation 2 ======== Update rebooting..
PlayStation 2 ======== Update reboot complete
cdvdman Init
IOP Realtime Kernel Ver. 2.2
Copyright 1999-2002 © Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
Reboot service module.(99/11/10)
cdvd driver module version 0.1.1 ©SCEI
Load File service.(99/11/05)
Multi Threaded Fileio module.(99/11/15)
iop heap service (99/11/03)
Loading cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥SIO2MAN.IRX
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥SIO2MAN.IRX args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 25, ret 0
Loading cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥PADMAN.IRX
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥PADMAN.IRX args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 26, ret 0
Loading cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥LIBSD.IRX
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥LIBSD.IRX args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 27, ret 0
Loading cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥SDRDRV.IRX
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥SDRDRV.IRX args 0 arg
SDR driver version 4.0.1 © SCEI
Exit rsd_main
loadmodule: id 28, ret 2
Loading cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥MCMAN.IRX
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥MCMAN.IRX args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 29, ret 2
Loading cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥MCSERV.IRX
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥MCSERV.IRX args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 30, ret 2
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥CDSTREAM.IRX args 0 arg
cdvd_stream: Loaded
cdvd_stream: Registered LibraryEntries
cdvd_stream: Start RpcServer Thread
loadmodule: id 31, ret 0
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥IOPAUDIO.IRX args 0 arg
IOPAudio: Loaded IOPAudio module
loadmodule: id 32, ret 0
cdvd_stream: buffer 9be00
cdvd_stream: request queue abe00
cdvd_stream: read info abf00
cdvd_stream: Start Streaming Thread
Loading code overlay mc.nm
Loading code overlay mpeg.nm
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
(UpdateVSyncRate) FPS Limit Changed : 59.94 fps
========================== decode MPEG2 ============= 0 ===========
IOP memory 0x000ac000(size:24576) is allocated
IOP memory 0x000b2000(size:2048) is allocated
-------- audio information --------------------
> Selected savestate slot 1
Loading savestate from slot 1...
filename: C:\Users\Rene\Documents\Jeux\emus\PCSX2\sstates\SLUS-20946 (399A49CA).01.p2s
EE/iR5900-32 Recompiler Reset
Loading GS
Loading PAD
Loading SPU2
Impossible blend for D3D: (Cd - Cs) * 128 >> 7 + Cd
IOPAudio: Changed tracks
(EE pc:001015F0) TLB Miss, addr=0x3c019050 [load]
(EE pc:001015F0) TLB Miss, addr=0x3c019056 [load]
(EE pc:0010D2C0) TLB Miss, addr=0x3c019054 [load]
ASSERT File:MemoryHeap.cpp Line:376:
IOPAudio: Changing from track568 to track510
IOPAudio: Changed tracks
IOPAudio: Finished track 510
IOPAudio: Stopping track
Closing plugins...
Closing DEV9
Closing FW
Closing USB
Closing CDVD
Closing SPU2
* SPU2-X: Waiting for DSound thread to finish... Done.
Closing PAD
Closing GS
Plugins closed successfully.
Shutting down plugins...
Plugins shutdown successfully.
(GameDB) Unloading...
Posts: 8.597
Threads: 105
Joined: May 2014
get the latest development build from here and check the accurate blend option in GSdx plugin settings ( only used in opengl mode) and try checking the status of the issue. though, the save state won't be compatible
We're supposed to be working as a team, if we aren't helping and suggesting things to each other, we aren't working as a team.
- Refraction
Posts: 2.744
Threads: 12
Joined: Aug 2013
Location: New Home
Try re-ripping the ISO using Imgburn.
Posts: 1.885
Threads: 20
Joined: Mar 2013
Location: Croatia
Also, while trying to fix an issue, do refrain from using savestates as they just load the state of the emulator with the possible issue, meaning you'll get the problem again even if it is fixed.
Posts: 120
Threads: 1
Joined: Jun 2012
Location: India
(06-09-2015, 04:30 PM)renehigita Wrote: Hi ssakash,
Here is what i get, re-launching pcsx2, loading the sstate just before freeze, and the program again (I bolded the lines appearing right when it freezes):
PCSX2 1.2.1.r5873 - compiled on Feb 3 2014
Savestate version: 0x9a0a0000
Host Machine Init:
Operating System = Microsoft (build 9200), 64-bit
Physical RAM = 7813 MB
CPU name = Intel® Core i5-3317U CPU @ 1.70GHz
Vendor/Model = GenuineIntel (stepping 09)
CPU speed = 1.694 ghz (2 logical threads)
x86PType = Standard OEM
x86Flags = bfebfbff 7dbae3bf
x86EFlags = 28100000
x86 Features Detected:
MMX.. SSE.. SSE2.. SSE3.. SSSE3.. SSE4.1.. SSE4.2.. AVX
Reserving memory for recompilers...
Loading plugins...
Binding GS: C:\Program Files (x86)\PCSX2 1.2.1\Plugins\gsdx32-avx-r5875.dll
Windows 6.2.9200
Binding PAD: C:\Program Files (x86)\PCSX2 1.2.1\Plugins\lilypad-r5875.dll
Binding SPU2: C:\Program Files (x86)\PCSX2 1.2.1\Plugins\spu2-x-r5875.dll
Binding CDVD: C:\Program Files (x86)\PCSX2 1.2.1\Plugins\cdvdGigaherz.dll
Binding USB: C:\Program Files (x86)\PCSX2 1.2.1\Plugins\USBnull.dll
Binding FW: C:\Program Files (x86)\PCSX2 1.2.1\Plugins\FWnull.dll
Binding DEV9: C:\Program Files (x86)\PCSX2 1.2.1\Plugins\DEV9null.dll
Plugins loaded successfully.
(GameDB) 9655 games on record (loaded in 268ms)
HLE Notice: ELF does not have a path.
Initializing plugins...
Init GS
Windows 6.2.9200
Init PAD
Init SPU2
Init USB
Init FW
Init DEV9
Plugins initialized successfully.
Opening plugins...
Opening GS
Opening PAD
Opening SPU2
Opening CDVD
isoFile open ok: C:\Users\Rene\Documents\Jeux\emus\PCSX2\SAN_ANDREAS.iso
Image type = DVD
* CDVD Disk Open: DVD, Single layer or unknown:
* * Track 1: Data (Mode 1) (2197152 sectors)
Opening USB
Opening FW
Opening DEV9
McdSlot 0: C:\Users\Rene\Documents\PCSX2\memcards\Mcd001.ps2
McdSlot 1: C:\Users\Rene\Documents\PCSX2\memcards\Mcd002.ps2
Plugins opened successfully.
EE/iR5900-32 Recompiler Reset
Bios Found: Europe v02.00(14/06/2004) Console
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
(UpdateVSyncRate) FPS Limit Changed : 59.94 fps
# Initialize memory (rev:3.70, ctm:393Mhz, cpuclk:295Mhz detected)
PlayStation 2 ======== Hard reset boot
ROMGEN=2004-0614, IOP info (CPUID=1f, CACH_CONFIG=0, 2MB, IOP mode)
# Total accessable memory size: 32 MB (B:2:8:0) (370:2:7c30)
# TLB spad=0 kernel=1:12 default=13:30 extended=31:38
# Initialize Start.
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to PAL.
(UpdateVSyncRate) FPS Limit Changed : 50.00 fps
# Initialize GS ...
# Initialize INTC ...
# Initialize TIMER ...
# Initialize DMAC ...
# Initialize VU1 ...
# Initialize VIF1 ...
# Initialize GIF ...
# Initialize VU0 ...
# Initialize VIF0 ...
# Initialize IPU ...
# Initialize FPU ...
# Initialize User Memory ...
# Initialize Scratch Pad ...
# Initialize Done.
EE DECI2 Manager version 0.06 Feb 6 2003 08:38:48
CPUID=2e20, BoardID=0, ROMGEN=2004-0614, 32M
(SYSTEM.CNF) Detected PS2 Disc = cdrom0:\SLUS_209.46;1
(SYSTEM.CNF) Software version = 1.03
(SYSTEM.CNF) Disc region type = NTSC
ELF (cdrom0:\SLUS_209.46;1) Game CRC = 0x399A49CA, EntryPoint = 0x00100008
(SYSTEM.CNF) Detected PS2 Disc = cdrom0:\SLUS_209.46;1
(SYSTEM.CNF) Software version = 1.03
(SYSTEM.CNF) Disc region type = NTSC
IOP Realtime Kernel Ver.0.9.1
Copyright 1999 © Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
Reboot service module.(99/11/10)
cdvd driver module version 0.1.1 ©SCEI
Load File service.(99/11/05)
Multi Threaded Fileio module.(99/11/15)
iop heap service (99/11/03)
loadelf: fname cdrom0:¥SLUS_209.46;1 secname all
loadelf version 3.30
Input ELF format filename = cdrom0:¥SLUS_209.46;1
0 00100000 0056b180 .......................................................................................
Loaded, cdrom0:¥SLUS_209.46;1
start address 0x100008
gp address 00000000
# Restart Without Memory Clear.
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
(UpdateVSyncRate) FPS Limit Changed : 59.94 fps
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to PAL.
(UpdateVSyncRate) FPS Limit Changed : 50.00 fps
# Initialize GS ...
# Initialize INTC ...
# Initialize TIMER ...
# Initialize DMAC ...
# Initialize VU1 ...
# Initialize VIF1 ...
# Initialize GIF ...
# Initialize VU0 ...
# Initialize VIF0 ...
# Initialize IPU ...
# Initialize FPU ...
# Initialize Scratch Pad ...
# Restart Without Memory Clear Done.
Get Reboot Request From EE
PlayStation 2 ======== Update rebooting..
PlayStation 2 ======== Update reboot complete
cdvdman Init
IOP Realtime Kernel Ver. 2.2
Copyright 1999-2002 © Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
Reboot service module.(99/11/10)
cdvd driver module version 0.1.1 ©SCEI
Load File service.(99/11/05)
Multi Threaded Fileio module.(99/11/15)
iop heap service (99/11/03)
Loading cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥SIO2MAN.IRX
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥SIO2MAN.IRX args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 25, ret 0
Loading cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥PADMAN.IRX
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥PADMAN.IRX args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 26, ret 0
Loading cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥LIBSD.IRX
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥LIBSD.IRX args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 27, ret 0
Loading cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥SDRDRV.IRX
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥SDRDRV.IRX args 0 arg
SDR driver version 4.0.1 © SCEI
Exit rsd_main
loadmodule: id 28, ret 2
Loading cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥MCMAN.IRX
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥MCMAN.IRX args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 29, ret 2
Loading cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥MCSERV.IRX
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥MCSERV.IRX args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 30, ret 2
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥CDSTREAM.IRX args 0 arg
cdvd_stream: Loaded
cdvd_stream: Registered LibraryEntries
cdvd_stream: Start RpcServer Thread
loadmodule: id 31, ret 0
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥IOPAUDIO.IRX args 0 arg
IOPAudio: Loaded IOPAudio module
loadmodule: id 32, ret 0
cdvd_stream: buffer 9be00
cdvd_stream: request queue abe00
cdvd_stream: read info abf00
cdvd_stream: Start Streaming Thread
Loading code overlay mc.nm
Loading code overlay mpeg.nm
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
(UpdateVSyncRate) FPS Limit Changed : 59.94 fps
========================== decode MPEG2 ============= 0 ===========
IOP memory 0x000ac000(size:24576) is allocated
IOP memory 0x000b2000(size:2048) is allocated
-------- audio information --------------------
> Selected savestate slot 1
Loading savestate from slot 1...
filename: C:\Users\Rene\Documents\Jeux\emus\PCSX2\sstates\SLUS-20946 (399A49CA).01.p2s
EE/iR5900-32 Recompiler Reset
Loading GS
Loading PAD
Loading SPU2
Impossible blend for D3D: (Cd - Cs) * 128 >> 7 + Cd
IOPAudio: Changed tracks
(EE pc:001015F0) TLB Miss, addr=0x3c019050 [load]
(EE pc:001015F0) TLB Miss, addr=0x3c019056 [load]
(EE pc:0010D2C0) TLB Miss, addr=0x3c019054 [load]
ASSERT File:MemoryHeap.cpp Line:376:
IOPAudio: Changing from track568 to track510
IOPAudio: Changed tracks
IOPAudio: Finished track 510
IOPAudio: Stopping track
Closing plugins...
Closing DEV9
Closing FW
Closing USB
Closing CDVD
Closing SPU2
* SPU2-X: Waiting for DSound thread to finish... Done.
Closing PAD
Closing GS
Plugins closed successfully.
Shutting down plugins...
Plugins shutdown successfully.
(GameDB) Unloading...
Your save state is most likely corrupt. Try loading your last game save from the memcard. You'll no doubt lose a little of your progress but its worth a try .
Intel core i5 3210m @3.1ghz
Nvidia Geforce GT650m 2Gb DDR5 (Core:975mhz/Memory:1000mhz) 
8Gb DDR3 1600hmz Ram
1Tb Hdd
1600x900 Hd resolution 
Windows 8.1 64bit
Posts: 3
Threads: 1
Joined: Jun 2015
(06-09-2015, 08:21 PM)PostalDude Wrote: Your save state is most likely corrupt. Try loading your last game save from the memcard. You'll no doubt lose a little of your progress but its worth a try .
Well that doesn't sound good. I have only one slot saved on the memory card, and i get the freeze from it within minutes too...
Due to the nature of the game and how the freeze happens 'semi-randomly' (never the exact same spot or time, from the sstate, and happens significantly faster in some map areas than others), I'm thinking perhaps i unlocked a vehicle, npc, or other content, which causes the issue when the game spawns it or tries to render it. No clue how that can help me solve it, but well.
Thanks for everybody's comments! I'll have a few things to try in the next few days, will come back for a report.
Posts: 1.885
Threads: 20
Joined: Mar 2013
Location: Croatia
If it happens with memory card saves as well, and it's "semi-random", untill you fix it just try bypassing it with savestates. Save often, when it bugs out load the last one and try again.