10-05-2010, 07:10 AM
Hi All,
I m new in this forum so couldn't understand where to post my problem....
Well,I have downloaded GOW2 iso...but when i run the iso in PCSX2 0.9.6
what i get is the title screen is in some other language
(russian or german i dnt knw)....& all the other texts ingame are also in other language...
what is the problem...cant i change the language in general english...
the audio is in proper english.
Pls help
I m new in this forum so couldn't understand where to post my problem....
Well,I have downloaded GOW2 iso...but when i run the iso in PCSX2 0.9.6
what i get is the title screen is in some other language

what is the problem...cant i change the language in general english...
the audio is in proper english.

Pls help