God of War 2 Config- 95% Speed all the time
Hi, I'm new on the forum. Just a quick post on the config I'm using for God of War 2. I get a constant good speed 95% most of the time, which is about 47-50fps.

I'm using Pcsx Beta 1329, here are the configs:

Graphics- Newest gsdx1375
-DX10 or 9 (makes no difference)
-Texture filtering enabled
-Internal res 1024x768 (you can increase this if you want)
Haven't tried with FBA or Logarithmic Z options.

Sound- SPU2GHz Playground 1.9.0
Interlopation set to 0 (you can increase, my soundcard is just bad)
Time Stretching enabled.
Module- Xaudio 2 ( the recommended one)

CPU Settings
Limit framerate- Custom 60
Set auto frameskip to 45fps
Don't enable the microvu options

Speed Hacks
Use X2 cycle rates
Enable all other options
Play around with vu cycle steal, mine is set to maximum and the game runs fine, nothing breaks.

Advanced options
Set all clamp options to none and chop/zero
Activate the flush to zero and denormals are zero

People with quad cores and high end rigs can play around with this, I don't have a hectic pc, but this config works very well. If the "shadow or clone effect" bothers you, disable internal res and switch to native.

Thanx to my friend Niko for suggestions and giving me a major speed boost...he told me to use the playground sound plugin.

I hope this helps. Thanx to the pcsx2 team, this emulator is awesome!

My PC:
AMD Athlon 64 X2 4600+ 2.4Ghz
4Gb DDR 2 800Mhz RAM
Geforce 8800GT 512Mb DDR3
500Gb Seagate Sata2 HDD
Omega 600w Megapower
Vista Ultimate 32-Bit SP2
-PC Specs-
AMD Ryzen 3600
16gb DDR4 Corsair 3200mhz
MSI Armor Radeon RX580 8gb 
Windows 10 Pro x64 
-Laptop Specs-
i7 6700HQ @ 2.9Ghz
8gb DDR3 
GTX 960m 4GB
Windows 10 Pro x64

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Thanks for the settings..

How did you get past Theasus (The guy before the sisters of fate)

My game freezes up before the cutscene ends
q9550 @ 4.0 GHZ
Thanks for the configuration!
(06-22-2009, 09:24 AM)Aemony Wrote: Thanks for the configuration!

No problem, glad I could helpBiggrin
(06-22-2009, 05:26 AM)kalmari92 Wrote: Thanks for the settings..

How did you get past Theasus (The guy before the sisters of fate)

My game freezes up before the cutscene ends

I'm sorry, I only got the game a few days ago and I'm writing exams and I'm working so I haven't played much.

I heard that the skip mpeg patch can solve that problem. I'm not too clued up about the patches, I haven't used them since 0.9.4 when I was playing FFX. If you can't find a patch, you can make your own one. I think the program is still on this site and it's very easy to use.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help. Glad the settings helped.

Oh by the way, I experienced something weird in The Lair of the Titan, when you fisrt go outside where you hvave to break the towers with the archers. I was unale to climb to the top of the wall, I switched to Pcsx 0.9.6 and was able to climb, seems it's only the beta that does this. Did it happen to you?
-PC Specs-
AMD Ryzen 3600
16gb DDR4 Corsair 3200mhz
MSI Armor Radeon RX580 8gb 
Windows 10 Pro x64 
-Laptop Specs-
i7 6700HQ @ 2.9Ghz
8gb DDR3 
GTX 960m 4GB
Windows 10 Pro x64
hi, I have a little problem...
I used your config and it's awesome!!! Laugh but.... every time i level-up a power it freezes.Sad does somebody else have this problem?
(06-24-2009, 04:38 PM)silverkid Wrote: hi, I have a little problem...
I used your config and it's awesome!!! Laugh but.... every time i level-up a power it freezes.Sad does somebody else have this problem?

That's strange. I've leveled most of my weapons and I haven't had any problems. It might be your cdvd plugin, when I was playing God of War 1, I would get a freeze right as Kratos started speaking when you start a new game. I splayed around with cdvd plugins and it's working fine now. Hope this helps, not completely sure if it is the problem.
-PC Specs-
AMD Ryzen 3600
16gb DDR4 Corsair 3200mhz
MSI Armor Radeon RX580 8gb 
Windows 10 Pro x64 
-Laptop Specs-
i7 6700HQ @ 2.9Ghz
8gb DDR3 
GTX 960m 4GB
Windows 10 Pro x64
wow thanks for the config. this works great on my e4300 with 9800GTX+!!!
(06-29-2009, 05:18 PM)willdiddy Wrote: wow thanks for the config. this works great on my e4300 with 9800GTX+!!!

No problem, I'm glad that the config helped Biggrin
-PC Specs-
AMD Ryzen 3600
16gb DDR4 Corsair 3200mhz
MSI Armor Radeon RX580 8gb 
Windows 10 Pro x64 
-Laptop Specs-
i7 6700HQ @ 2.9Ghz
8gb DDR3 
GTX 960m 4GB
Windows 10 Pro x64
sorry but where did you get the "Newest gsdx1375" from?

i tried to find it but i was unable to.. can you please send me the link?

Third line links you to the site with most GSdx versions available.
Core i5 3570k -- Geforce GTX 670  --  Windows 7 x64

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