God of War 2 (PAL) SOME PROBLEM....HELP ME!!!!!!!
Hello friends I have a huge problem with the God of War 2 .... as I have seen him everywhere that everyone has a green background fog not ?.... I've seen some plugins that say the fog does not disappear? Now that's true but now I have another problem, in my first battle against Colossus appears as a wall that is the bottom of the game but unfortunately for me .... Colossus is not appear in the game looks fast that if ..... but the giant not look anyway .... and you only hear his roar, and nothing more only appears his HANDS and nobody else... anyone has any solution please ... because I think nobody has this problem like me .... anyone knows ... I have GSX tried all plugins and that is NOT the problem .... apparently

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download the latest pcsx2 beta,and set the framelimiting option to limit
just use the modified GsDx 1076m
since that plug-in is NOT supported here you need to do a web search on your own.
Main PC1:i5-4670,HD7770(Active!)
Main PC2:i5-11600K,GTX1660Ti(Active!)
PCSX2 Discord server IGN:smartstrike
PCSX2 version uses:Custom compiled build 1.7.0 64-bit(to be update regularly)
smartstk's YouTube Channel
(02-09-2010, 12:18 AM)tallbender Wrote: just use the modified GsDx 1076m
since that plug-in is NOT supported here you need to do a web search on your own.

if im not mistaken he doesnt need to get that special plugin,i think the latest gsdx fix that problem anyway Tongue
Thankx friends....but i thing this is not the problem....i repeat....i know those plugins....but my problem is....I CAN´T SEE Colossus.....and..sometimes the castle´s walls desappear too......but my game is so running so well....and so quickly.......but i looked at colossus only HER HANDS .....ONLY his hands....and when PC zooming his face.....those part too.....i look his face in that momento BUT NOT ALL THE TIME.......and have those new pcsx2 but nothing.....ALL the same........... Blink GlareGlare Sad

somebody have another answer for this.....

LOOK AT THIS video......this is MY problem http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRt7vY_tB...r_embedded I need some help PLEASE !!!!!!

Stop using hacks of ISOs, PCSX2 and plugins. Until then, no help here.
[Image: newsig.jpg]
No man....when I said I use all plugins....I said...I use all in legal......parts of the PCSX2 have.....My ISO is original......OF COURSE I need to play...WELL like all people....this is my PROBLEM....but nobody help me....in my PC...show like this (video youtube) I DON´T WANT to play like this.....because I don´t look anymore......so i need somebody to say me how does the form to play this game WELL.....like other people undertand me please......if u know somes of this....tell me......
(02-10-2010, 12:43 AM)granenigma Wrote: No man....when I said I use all plugins....I said...I use all in legal......parts of the PCSX2 have.....My ISO is original......OF COURSE I need to play...WELL like all people....this is my PROBLEM....but nobody help me....in my PC...show like this (video youtube) I DON´T WANT to play like this.....because I don´t look anymore......so i need somebody to say me how does the form to play this game WELL.....like other people undertand me please......if u know somes of this....tell me......

can you explain yourselve a little better,beacuse i dont understand a thing of what are you talking about,and please stop using those spaces between words,they are pretty anoying Wacko
Well i will detail my problem .. I have the ISO standard of my game runs fine me no problem disappeared FOG including the green screen that everyone has the problem ... if you watch the video that is the problem (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRt7vY_tB...r_embedded), I can not see beyond the character, the background is zero in the first stage for example I do not see Colossus attacks only see his roar, and his hands when he tries to crush anything but THAT IS the main problem and tried all the plugins that more variations exist and you do it keeps coming same no nothing ... only when I put there if it appears ALL SOFTWARE but is super slow, I managed to streamline it by using the Code Breaker to achieve more speed and even less is not normal is played, so I ask for help to either version comes out version that solves this problem NOT me ... someone who can help me please.
(02-12-2010, 05:09 PM)granenigma Wrote: Well i will detail my problem .. I have the ISO standard of my game runs fine me no problem disappeared FOG including the green screen that everyone has the problem ... if you watch the video that is the problem (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRt7vY_tB...r_embedded), I can not see beyond the character, the background is zero in the first stage for example I do not see Colossus attacks only see his roar, and his hands when he tries to crush anything but THAT IS the main problem and tried all the plugins that more variations exist and you do it keeps coming same no nothing ... only when I put there if it appears ALL SOFTWARE but is super slow, I managed to streamline it by using the Code Breaker to achieve more speed and even less is not normal is played, so I ask for help to either version comes out version that solves this problem NOT me ... someone who can help me please.

seeing that video i must say that you probably have frame skipping enabled disable it and try again,also make sure that you dont have any speedhacks enabled.
Spanish translation here ->segun el video tuyo,me parece q tenes el frame skiping activado tenes q dejarlo en limit,y asegurate de desabilitar todos los speedhacks Happy

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