Gpd of war 1 crashing
So i m in the game about 40 minutes, and i get to a part where the game always freezes, with some waiting time, i can continue, and right after, there is a tiny cutscene, and freezes again, but this time the game keeps running, but dont let me move on, and freezes the image, yet i managed to pass that, by disconnecting the controler and connecting again, the game goes back to normal, and after some gameplay, it crahes again, and this time shutsdown the emulator. Note that this happens always in the same parts, iv tried 5 or 6 times, and it happens always on the same phase.
Ive tried to change the settings and graphics, but nothing resolves.
During the time i was playing, it was running smoothly, nothing about graphics or the computer i guess.

can someone help me?

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If it keeps crashing in the same parts, I'd suggest redumping the game with imgburn, or even try playing it from the original disc. Just to rule out a bad dump of the game
Windows 11 64 bit OS
Intel Core i7-10700
Geforce RTX 2060 6GB
it worked thank you.
i have another issue, its that i cant use the d-pad, i nedd to go to te powerups and i click on the button and it doenst goes, and i ve changed to diferent buttons.

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