Gundam SEED: Never Ending Tomorrow HUGE fps loss
Whenever I try to play Gundam SEED: Never Ending Tomorrow, the fps drops to ~35 during the opening cutscene and on the main menu, then down even further to ~13 during gameplay. I've tried changing various video/audio settings and it has either made it worse or prevented the game from starting at all. Is there any way at all to fix this?

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Please post your emulog and the EE and GS values during slowdown.
We're supposed to be working as a team, if we aren't helping and suggesting things to each other, we aren't working as a team.
- Refraction
System information specs will be nice as well. Also try using software mode by pushing F9 during gameplay.
I5 3570k 3.4ghz| 4GB R9 290| 8GB DDR3
(02-22-2015, 05:12 PM)fade2black001 Wrote: System information specs will be nice as well.
actually, they are included in the emulog.
We're supposed to be working as a team, if we aren't helping and suggesting things to each other, we aren't working as a team.
- Refraction
I5 3570k 3.4ghz| 4GB R9 290| 8GB DDR3
Alright, I think I've done this right.

PCSX2 1.3.0.r5889  - compiled on Feb  9 2014
Savestate version: 0x9a0a0000

Host Machine Init:
    Operating System =  Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (build
7601), 64-bit
    Physical RAM     =  5606 MB
    CPU name         =  AMD A6-3420M APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics
    Vendor/Model     =  AuthenticAMD (stepping 00)
    CPU speed        =  1.496 ghz (4 logical threads)
    x86PType         =  Standard OEM
    x86Flags         =  178bfbff 00802009
    x86EFlags        =  efd3fbff

x86 Features Detected:
    MMX.. SSE.. SSE2.. SSE3
    MMX2  .. 3DNOW .. 3DNOW2.. SSE4a

Reserving memory for recompilers...

Loading plugins...
    Binding   GS: C:\Users\Brian\Desktop\Games\Game Emulator\PCSX2.v1.3.0-
Windows 6.1.7601 (Service Pack 1 1.0)
    Binding  PAD: C:\Users\Brian\Desktop\Games\Game Emulator\PCSX2.v1.3.0-
    Binding SPU2: C:\Users\Brian\Desktop\Games\Game Emulator\PCSX2.v1.3.0-
    Binding CDVD: C:\Users\Brian\Desktop\Games\Game Emulator\PCSX2.v1.3.0-
    Binding  USB: C:\Users\Brian\Desktop\Games\Game Emulator\PCSX2.v1.3.0-
    Binding   FW: C:\Users\Brian\Desktop\Games\Game Emulator\PCSX2.v1.3.0-
    Binding DEV9: C:\Users\Brian\Desktop\Games\Game Emulator\PCSX2.v1.3.0-
Plugins loaded successfully.

(GameDB) 9653 games on record (loaded in 416ms)
HLE Notice: ELF does not have a path.

Initializing plugins...
    Init GS
Windows 6.1.7601 (Service Pack 1 1.0)
    Init PAD
    Init SPU2
    Init CDVD
    Init USB
    Init FW
    Init DEV9
Plugins initialized successfully.

Opening plugins...
    Opening GS
    Opening PAD
    Opening SPU2
    Opening CDVD
isoFile open ok: C:\Users\Brian\Desktop\Games\Game Emulator\PCSX2.v1.3.0-
r5894.COMPLETE.MULTi22.WinALL.2014.02.09-m3Zz\PCSX2-1.3.0\Games\Mobile Suit
Gundam Seed - Never Ending Tomorrow.iso
    Image type  = DVD
* CDVD Disk Open: DVD, Single layer or unknown:
* * Track 1: Data (Mode 1) (2042176 sectors)
    Opening USB
    Opening FW
    Opening DEV9
McdSlot 0: C:\Users\Brian\Desktop\Games\Game Emulator\PCSX2.v1.3.0-
McdSlot 1: C:\Users\Brian\Desktop\Games\Game Emulator\PCSX2.v1.3.0-
Plugins opened successfully.
EE/iR5900-32 Recompiler Reset
    Bios Found: USA     v02.30(20/02/2008)  Console
    BIOS rom1 module not found, skipping...
    BIOS rom2 module not found, skipping...
    BIOS erom module not found, skipping...
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
(UpdateVSyncRate) FPS Limit Changed : 59.94 fps
# Initialize memory (rev:4.00, ctm:393Mhz, cpuclk:295Mhz detected)

PlayStation 2 ======== Hard reset boot
ROMGEN=2008-0220, IOP info (CPUID=1f, CACH_CONFIG=14000200, 2MB, IOP mode)
# Total accessable memory size: 32 MB (B:2:8:0) (400:2:7c30)
# TLB spad=0 kernel=1:12 default=13:30 extended=31:38
# Initialize Start.
# Initialize GS ...
# Initialize INTC ...
# Initialize TIMER ...
# Initialize DMAC ...
# Initialize VU1 ...
# Initialize VIF1 ...
# Initialize GIF ...
# Initialize VU0 ...
# Initialize VIF0 ...
# Initialize IPU ...
# Initialize FPU ...
# Initialize User Memory ...
# Initialize Scratch Pad ...
# Initialize Done.

EE DECI2 Manager version 0.06 Sep  5 2006 12:57:08
  CPUID=2e20, BoardID=0, ROMGEN=2008-0220, 32M

(SYSTEM.CNF) Detected PS2 Disc = cdrom0:\SLUS_211.40;1
(SYSTEM.CNF) Software version = 1.00
(SYSTEM.CNF) Disc region type = NTSC
ELF (cdrom0:\SLUS_211.40;1) Game CRC = 0x3A0E75E5, EntryPoint = 0x00100008
(SYSTEM.CNF) Detected PS2 Disc = cdrom0:\SLUS_211.40;1
(SYSTEM.CNF) Software version = 1.00
(SYSTEM.CNF) Disc region type = NTSC

IOP Realtime Kernel Ver.0.9.1

    Copyright 1999 (C) Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.

Reboot service module.(99/11/10)
cdvd driver module version 0.1.1 (C)SCEI
Load File service.(99/11/05)
Multi Threaded Fileio module.(99/11/15)
iop heap service (99/11/03)
loadelf: fname cdrom0:¥SLUS_211.40;1 secname all
loadelf version 3.30
Input ELF format filename = cdrom0:¥SLUS_211.40;1
0 00100000 00355300 ......................................................
Loaded, cdrom0:¥SLUS_211.40;1
start address 0x100008
gp address 00000000
# Restart Without Memory Clear.
# Initialize GS ...
# Initialize INTC ...
# Initialize TIMER ...
# Initialize DMAC ...
# Initialize VU1 ...
# Initialize VIF1 ...
# Initialize GIF ...
# Initialize VU0 ...
# Initialize VIF0 ...
# Initialize IPU ...
# Initialize FPU ...
# Initialize Scratch Pad ...
# Restart Without Memory Clear Done.
Get Reboot Request From EE
ROM directory not found

PlayStation 2 ======== Update rebooting..

PlayStation 2 ======== Update reboot complete
cdvdman Init

IOP Realtime Kernel Ver. 2.2

    Copyright 1999-2002 (C) Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.

Reboot service module.(99/11/10)
Load File service.(99/11/05)
Multi Threaded Fileio module.(99/11/15)
iop heap service (99/11/03)
cdvd driver module version 0.1.1 (C)SCEI
SDR driver version 4.0.1 (C) SCEI
Exit rsd_main
starting stream module "aix_mod.irx", 2004.7.23-g build.
Total Stream(ADPCM/FILE) Buffer : 0xa0000(655360)byte
CHiMpeg:必要なEEメモリ = 2576896 byte
CHiMpeg:GSバッファの転送先アドレス1,2 = 7168(0x1c00), -1(0xffffffff)
CHiMpeg:GSバッファに (512,448) x 2 の領域を必要とします
CHiMpeg:WIDTH :512, TEX-W:512
CHiMpeg:HEIGHT:448, TEX-H:512
CHiMpeg: dbp1 は使用しません.
CHiMpeg:audio buffer より IOPメモリを   24576 bytes 確保しました.
CHiMpeg:zero buffer より IOPメモリを    2048 bytes 確保しました.
Stream Buffer 1Bank 49152byte 5banks 245760byte used
CHiMpeg : Start Movie.
-------- mpeg in video information ------------
width:                    512
height:                    448
CHiMpeg:End of stream presumed, in no-data callback.
CHiMpeg : Stop Movie.
CHiMpeg:必要なEEメモリ = 2576896 byte
CHiMpeg:GSバッファの転送先アドレス1,2 = 7168(0x1c00), -1(0xffffffff)
CHiMpeg:GSバッファに (512,448) x 2 の領域を必要とします
CHiMpeg:WIDTH :512, TEX-W:512
CHiMpeg:HEIGHT:448, TEX-H:512
CHiMpeg: dbp1 は使用しません.
CHiMpeg:audio buffer より IOPメモリを   24576 bytes 確保しました.
CHiMpeg:zero buffer より IOPメモリを    2048 bytes 確保しました.
Stream Buffer 1Bank 49152byte 5banks 245760byte used
CHiMpeg : Start Movie.
-------- mpeg in video information ------------
width:                    512
height:                    448
Closing plugins...
    Closing DEV9
    Closing FW
    Closing USB
    Closing CDVD
    Closing SPU2
    Closing PAD
    Closing GS
Plugins closed successfully.
Opening plugins...
    Opening GS
    Opening PAD
    Opening SPU2
    Opening CDVD
isoFile open ok: C:\Users\Brian\Desktop\Games\Game Emulator\PCSX2.v1.3.0-
r5894.COMPLETE.MULTi22.WinALL.2014.02.09-m3Zz\PCSX2-1.3.0\Games\Mobile Suit
Gundam Seed - Never Ending Tomorrow.iso
    Image type  = DVD
* CDVD Disk Open: DVD, Single layer or unknown:
* * Track 1: Data (Mode 1) (2042176 sectors)
    Opening USB
    Opening FW
    Opening DEV9
McdSlot 0: C:\Users\Brian\Desktop\Games\Game Emulator\PCSX2.v1.3.0-
McdSlot 1: C:\Users\Brian\Desktop\Games\Game Emulator\PCSX2.v1.3.0-
Plugins opened successfully.
CHiMpeg:End of stream presumed, in no-data callback.
CHiMpeg : Stop Movie.
Suspending single plugin: PAD
    Saving PAD
    Closing PAD
Recovering single plugin: PAD
    Loading PAD
Opening plugins...
    Opening PAD
Plugins opened successfully.
Suspending single plugin: PAD
    Saving PAD
    Closing PAD
Recovering single plugin: PAD
    Loading PAD
Opening plugins...
    Opening PAD
Plugins opened successfully.
CHiMpeg:必要なEEメモリ = 1648640 byte
CHiMpeg:GSバッファの転送先アドレス1,2 = 7168(0x1c00), -1(0xffffffff)
CHiMpeg:GSバッファに (384,336) x 2 の領域を必要とします
CHiMpeg:WIDTH :384, TEX-W:512
CHiMpeg:HEIGHT:336, TEX-H:512
CHiMpeg: dbp1 は使用しません.
CHiMpeg:audio buffer より IOPメモリを   24576 bytes 確保しました.
CHiMpeg:zero buffer より IOPメモリを    2048 bytes 確保しました.
Stream Buffer 1Bank 49152byte 5banks 245760byte used
CHiMpeg : Start Movie.
-------- mpeg in video information ------------
width:                    384
height:                    336
CHiMpeg : Stop Movie.
CHiMpeg:必要なEEメモリ = 1516032 byte
CHiMpeg:GSバッファの転送先アドレス1,2 = 7168(0x1c00), -1(0xffffffff)
CHiMpeg:GSバッファに (256,448) x 2 の領域を必要とします
CHiMpeg:WIDTH :256, TEX-W:256
CHiMpeg:HEIGHT:448, TEX-H:512
CHiMpeg: dbp1 は使用しません.
CHiMpeg:audio buffer より IOPメモリを   24576 bytes 確保しました.
CHiMpeg:zero buffer より IOPメモリを    2048 bytes 確保しました.
Stream Buffer 1Bank 49152byte 5banks 245760byte used
CHiMpeg : Start Movie.
-------- mpeg in video information ------------
width:                    256
height:                    448
-------- mpeg in video information ------------
width:                    256
height:                    448
CHiMpeg:End of stream presumed, in no-data callback.
CHiMpeg : Stop Movie.

I saved this during in-game content. I thought to make a save during the opening cutscene as well, but it turned out to be the same as during in-game (before where it says closing plugins is where the cutscene was). When it was slowed down, the EE value (I'm assuming what you're looking for is at the top of the game window?) is at a fluctuating 95-100% and GS was 80-90%.
(02-22-2015, 06:12 PM)KiraTsukasa Wrote: Alright, I think I've done this right.

PCSX2 1.3.0.r5889  - compiled on Feb  9 2014
Savestate version: 0x9a0a0000

Host Machine Init:
    Operating System =  Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (build
7601), 64-bit
    Physical RAM     =  5606 MB
    CPU name         =  AMD A6-3420M APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics
    Vendor/Model     =  AuthenticAMD (stepping 00)
    CPU speed        =  1.496 ghz (4 logical threads)
    x86PType         =  Standard OEM
    x86Flags         =  178bfbff 00802009
    x86EFlags        =  efd3fbff

x86 Features Detected:
    MMX.. SSE.. SSE2.. SSE3
    MMX2  .. 3DNOW .. 3DNOW2.. SSE4a

Reserving memory for recompilers...

Loading plugins...
    Binding   GS: C:\Users\Brian\Desktop\Games\Game Emulator\PCSX2.v1.3.0-
Windows 6.1.7601 (Service Pack 1 1.0)
    Binding  PAD: C:\Users\Brian\Desktop\Games\Game Emulator\PCSX2.v1.3.0-
    Binding SPU2: C:\Users\Brian\Desktop\Games\Game Emulator\PCSX2.v1.3.0-
    Binding CDVD: C:\Users\Brian\Desktop\Games\Game Emulator\PCSX2.v1.3.0-
    Binding  USB: C:\Users\Brian\Desktop\Games\Game Emulator\PCSX2.v1.3.0-
    Binding   FW: C:\Users\Brian\Desktop\Games\Game Emulator\PCSX2.v1.3.0-
    Binding DEV9: C:\Users\Brian\Desktop\Games\Game Emulator\PCSX2.v1.3.0-
Plugins loaded successfully.

(GameDB) 9653 games on record (loaded in 416ms)
HLE Notice: ELF does not have a path.

Initializing plugins...
    Init GS
Windows 6.1.7601 (Service Pack 1 1.0)
    Init PAD
    Init SPU2
    Init CDVD
    Init USB
    Init FW
    Init DEV9
Plugins initialized successfully.

Opening plugins...
    Opening GS
    Opening PAD
    Opening SPU2
    Opening CDVD
isoFile open ok: C:\Users\Brian\Desktop\Games\Game Emulator\PCSX2.v1.3.0-
r5894.COMPLETE.MULTi22.WinALL.2014.02.09-m3Zz\PCSX2-1.3.0\Games\Mobile Suit
Gundam Seed - Never Ending Tomorrow.iso
    Image type  = DVD
* CDVD Disk Open: DVD, Single layer or unknown:
* * Track 1: Data (Mode 1) (2042176 sectors)
    Opening USB
    Opening FW
    Opening DEV9
McdSlot 0: C:\Users\Brian\Desktop\Games\Game Emulator\PCSX2.v1.3.0-
McdSlot 1: C:\Users\Brian\Desktop\Games\Game Emulator\PCSX2.v1.3.0-
Plugins opened successfully.
EE/iR5900-32 Recompiler Reset
    Bios Found: USA     v02.30(20/02/2008)  Console
    BIOS rom1 module not found, skipping...
    BIOS rom2 module not found, skipping...
    BIOS erom module not found, skipping...
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
(UpdateVSyncRate) FPS Limit Changed : 59.94 fps
# Initialize memory (rev:4.00, ctm:393Mhz, cpuclk:295Mhz detected)

PlayStation 2 ======== Hard reset boot
ROMGEN=2008-0220, IOP info (CPUID=1f, CACH_CONFIG=14000200, 2MB, IOP mode)
# Total accessable memory size: 32 MB (B:2:8:0) (400:2:7c30)
# TLB spad=0 kernel=1:12 default=13:30 extended=31:38
# Initialize Start.
# Initialize GS ...
# Initialize INTC ...
# Initialize TIMER ...
# Initialize DMAC ...
# Initialize VU1 ...
# Initialize VIF1 ...
# Initialize GIF ...
# Initialize VU0 ...
# Initialize VIF0 ...
# Initialize IPU ...
# Initialize FPU ...
# Initialize User Memory ...
# Initialize Scratch Pad ...
# Initialize Done.

EE DECI2 Manager version 0.06 Sep  5 2006 12:57:08
  CPUID=2e20, BoardID=0, ROMGEN=2008-0220, 32M

(SYSTEM.CNF) Detected PS2 Disc = cdrom0:\SLUS_211.40;1
(SYSTEM.CNF) Software version = 1.00
(SYSTEM.CNF) Disc region type = NTSC
ELF (cdrom0:\SLUS_211.40;1) Game CRC = 0x3A0E75E5, EntryPoint = 0x00100008
(SYSTEM.CNF) Detected PS2 Disc = cdrom0:\SLUS_211.40;1
(SYSTEM.CNF) Software version = 1.00
(SYSTEM.CNF) Disc region type = NTSC

IOP Realtime Kernel Ver.0.9.1

    Copyright 1999 (C) Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.

Reboot service module.(99/11/10)
cdvd driver module version 0.1.1 (C)SCEI
Load File service.(99/11/05)
Multi Threaded Fileio module.(99/11/15)
iop heap service (99/11/03)
loadelf: fname cdrom0:¥SLUS_211.40;1 secname all
loadelf version 3.30
Input ELF format filename = cdrom0:¥SLUS_211.40;1
0 00100000 00355300 ......................................................
Loaded, cdrom0:¥SLUS_211.40;1
start address 0x100008
gp address 00000000
# Restart Without Memory Clear.
# Initialize GS ...
# Initialize INTC ...
# Initialize TIMER ...
# Initialize DMAC ...
# Initialize VU1 ...
# Initialize VIF1 ...
# Initialize GIF ...
# Initialize VU0 ...
# Initialize VIF0 ...
# Initialize IPU ...
# Initialize FPU ...
# Initialize Scratch Pad ...
# Restart Without Memory Clear Done.
Get Reboot Request From EE
ROM directory not found

PlayStation 2 ======== Update rebooting..

PlayStation 2 ======== Update reboot complete
cdvdman Init

IOP Realtime Kernel Ver. 2.2

    Copyright 1999-2002 (C) Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.

Reboot service module.(99/11/10)
Load File service.(99/11/05)
Multi Threaded Fileio module.(99/11/15)
iop heap service (99/11/03)
cdvd driver module version 0.1.1 (C)SCEI
SDR driver version 4.0.1 (C) SCEI
Exit rsd_main
starting stream module "aix_mod.irx", 2004.7.23-g build.
Total Stream(ADPCM/FILE) Buffer : 0xa0000(655360)byte
CHiMpeg:必要なEEメモリ = 2576896 byte
CHiMpeg:GSバッファの転送先アドレス1,2 = 7168(0x1c00), -1(0xffffffff)
CHiMpeg:GSバッファに (512,448) x 2 の領域を必要とします
CHiMpeg:WIDTH :512, TEX-W:512
CHiMpeg:HEIGHT:448, TEX-H:512
CHiMpeg: dbp1 は使用しません.
CHiMpeg:audio buffer より IOPメモリを   24576 bytes 確保しました.
CHiMpeg:zero buffer より IOPメモリを    2048 bytes 確保しました.
Stream Buffer 1Bank 49152byte 5banks 245760byte used
CHiMpeg : Start Movie.
-------- mpeg in video information ------------
width:                    512
height:                    448
CHiMpeg:End of stream presumed, in no-data callback.
CHiMpeg : Stop Movie.
CHiMpeg:必要なEEメモリ = 2576896 byte
CHiMpeg:GSバッファの転送先アドレス1,2 = 7168(0x1c00), -1(0xffffffff)
CHiMpeg:GSバッファに (512,448) x 2 の領域を必要とします
CHiMpeg:WIDTH :512, TEX-W:512
CHiMpeg:HEIGHT:448, TEX-H:512
CHiMpeg: dbp1 は使用しません.
CHiMpeg:audio buffer より IOPメモリを   24576 bytes 確保しました.
CHiMpeg:zero buffer より IOPメモリを    2048 bytes 確保しました.
Stream Buffer 1Bank 49152byte 5banks 245760byte used
CHiMpeg : Start Movie.
-------- mpeg in video information ------------
width:                    512
height:                    448
Closing plugins...
    Closing DEV9
    Closing FW
    Closing USB
    Closing CDVD
    Closing SPU2
    Closing PAD
    Closing GS
Plugins closed successfully.
Opening plugins...
    Opening GS
    Opening PAD
    Opening SPU2
    Opening CDVD
isoFile open ok: C:\Users\Brian\Desktop\Games\Game Emulator\PCSX2.v1.3.0-
r5894.COMPLETE.MULTi22.WinALL.2014.02.09-m3Zz\PCSX2-1.3.0\Games\Mobile Suit
Gundam Seed - Never Ending Tomorrow.iso
    Image type  = DVD
* CDVD Disk Open: DVD, Single layer or unknown:
* * Track 1: Data (Mode 1) (2042176 sectors)
    Opening USB
    Opening FW
    Opening DEV9
McdSlot 0: C:\Users\Brian\Desktop\Games\Game Emulator\PCSX2.v1.3.0-
McdSlot 1: C:\Users\Brian\Desktop\Games\Game Emulator\PCSX2.v1.3.0-
Plugins opened successfully.
CHiMpeg:End of stream presumed, in no-data callback.
CHiMpeg : Stop Movie.
Suspending single plugin: PAD
    Saving PAD
    Closing PAD
Recovering single plugin: PAD
    Loading PAD
Opening plugins...
    Opening PAD
Plugins opened successfully.
Suspending single plugin: PAD
    Saving PAD
    Closing PAD
Recovering single plugin: PAD
    Loading PAD
Opening plugins...
    Opening PAD
Plugins opened successfully.
CHiMpeg:必要なEEメモリ = 1648640 byte
CHiMpeg:GSバッファの転送先アドレス1,2 = 7168(0x1c00), -1(0xffffffff)
CHiMpeg:GSバッファに (384,336) x 2 の領域を必要とします
CHiMpeg:WIDTH :384, TEX-W:512
CHiMpeg:HEIGHT:336, TEX-H:512
CHiMpeg: dbp1 は使用しません.
CHiMpeg:audio buffer より IOPメモリを   24576 bytes 確保しました.
CHiMpeg:zero buffer より IOPメモリを    2048 bytes 確保しました.
Stream Buffer 1Bank 49152byte 5banks 245760byte used
CHiMpeg : Start Movie.
-------- mpeg in video information ------------
width:                    384
height:                    336
CHiMpeg : Stop Movie.
CHiMpeg:必要なEEメモリ = 1516032 byte
CHiMpeg:GSバッファの転送先アドレス1,2 = 7168(0x1c00), -1(0xffffffff)
CHiMpeg:GSバッファに (256,448) x 2 の領域を必要とします
CHiMpeg:WIDTH :256, TEX-W:256
CHiMpeg:HEIGHT:448, TEX-H:512
CHiMpeg: dbp1 は使用しません.
CHiMpeg:audio buffer より IOPメモリを   24576 bytes 確保しました.
CHiMpeg:zero buffer より IOPメモリを    2048 bytes 確保しました.
Stream Buffer 1Bank 49152byte 5banks 245760byte used
CHiMpeg : Start Movie.
-------- mpeg in video information ------------
width:                    256
height:                    448
-------- mpeg in video information ------------
width:                    256
height:                    448
CHiMpeg:End of stream presumed, in no-data callback.
CHiMpeg : Stop Movie.

I saved this during in-game content. I thought to make a save during the opening cutscene as well, but it turned out to be the same as during in-game (before where it says closing plugins is where the cutscene was). When it was slowed down, the EE value (I'm assuming what you're looking for is at the top of the game window?) is at a fluctuating 95-100% and GS was 80-90%.

I would like to note that your version is an unofficial release from another distributor (and a year's old one at that, likely the last one before the SVN was dropped) which technically earns no support. Download the newest version again from here and let us know if anything changes.
play your ps2 games on your PS2.
that PC won't cut it whatever you do, and no settings will fix this.
CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
Mobo : Asus PRIME B450-PLUS
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
RAM : 16 Go
(02-22-2015, 06:17 PM)Coornio Wrote: I would like to note that your version is an unofficial release from another distributor which technically earns no support. Download the newest version again from here and let us know if anything changes.

What? I don't understand how it's an unofficial release. I downloaded it from THIS site.
Yeah, your cpu is already maxing out. Unless you offer a upgrade, you would have to keep playing in your ps2.
We're supposed to be working as a team, if we aren't helping and suggesting things to each other, we aren't working as a team.
- Refraction

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