OK this is my last thread for today before i get reported for spam or some b,s but anyway is there any news on this
will hbm help anything apart from anti ailising
also are u guys doing a ps3 emulator
i would assume ps4 would be easier to code for
aparently the ps3 games on ps4 are ran by some emulator developed by sony
i was reeding somewhere that some guy made an unofficial one or im thinking wrong,,
no that was about the vita screen thingy
if u guys need me to test dx12 stuff or hbm stuff let me know
keep up the good work, i love what you guys have done
im not gonna lie i didnt own a ps2 when i first used this but i do now
also do u get extra fps from using a differet bios?
which bios runs the best being more performance or more stability
what bios do u guys use
and also what settings do u guys use
bios and settings question is aimed at the devs
i would make another thread asking this too but il get dun for spam butt
can you people running software mode here post your main video settings and max fps u get along with processor and gpu
and the same goes for people with hardware mode and which hardware mode are u running wether it be dx9 10 or 11 and plugin
alsowhats the difference between dx9 10 and 11
and why cant we change the resolution if we run software mode
will there ever be a mode that uses both gpu and cpu?
we dont really need a dx12 version do we? if ur card runs dx12 ur more than likely alredy maxing gaymes out
i duno
if i said something wrong here sory im no expert im here realy to lern so i hope i dont seem agressive
its the normal way i talk in real life and i aim to be me, online
u feel me??
will hbm help anything apart from anti ailising
also are u guys doing a ps3 emulator
i would assume ps4 would be easier to code for
aparently the ps3 games on ps4 are ran by some emulator developed by sony
i was reeding somewhere that some guy made an unofficial one or im thinking wrong,,
no that was about the vita screen thingy
if u guys need me to test dx12 stuff or hbm stuff let me know
keep up the good work, i love what you guys have done
im not gonna lie i didnt own a ps2 when i first used this but i do now
also do u get extra fps from using a differet bios?
which bios runs the best being more performance or more stability
what bios do u guys use
and also what settings do u guys use
bios and settings question is aimed at the devs
i would make another thread asking this too but il get dun for spam butt
can you people running software mode here post your main video settings and max fps u get along with processor and gpu
and the same goes for people with hardware mode and which hardware mode are u running wether it be dx9 10 or 11 and plugin
alsowhats the difference between dx9 10 and 11
and why cant we change the resolution if we run software mode
will there ever be a mode that uses both gpu and cpu?
we dont really need a dx12 version do we? if ur card runs dx12 ur more than likely alredy maxing gaymes out
i duno
if i said something wrong here sory im no expert im here realy to lern so i hope i dont seem agressive
its the normal way i talk in real life and i aim to be me, online
u feel me??