HD collection on ps3 vs original on PCSX2
There are some video game series i want to get into like: metal gear solid, jak and daxter, Sly cooper, ratchet and clank, zone of enders, devil may cry.

should i use pcsx2 tools to improve the original games or the collection does any improvent over the otiginal that i cant create In pcsx2?

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(07-28-2019, 08:13 AM)Red-tv Wrote: There are some video game series i want to get into like: metal gear solid, jak and daxter, Sly cooper, ratchet and clank, zone of enders, devil may cry.

should i use pcsx2 tools to improve the original games or the collection does any improvent over the otiginal that i cant create In pcsx2?
well, i dont use pcsx2 and i dont own a ps3 but i think the maxed out pcsx2 versions are better... especially the dmc collection (there are a lot of effects missing), and the silent hill collection (completely messed up)
(07-28-2019, 02:04 PM)carloss Wrote: well, i dont use pcsx2 and i dont own a ps3 but i think the maxed out pcsx2 versions are better... especially the dmc collection (there are a lot of effects missing), and the silent hill collection (completely messed up)

If you want to play DMC 1-2-3, stick to the ps2 version, they are far superior to the "remastered" ps3 version and to the 2018 version, missing many effects, wrong and looping sounds, bad 4:3 480p menu, and so on...

About Silent Hill 2, the best you can do i emulate the ps2 version again, or play the PC version with fan patches called "Enhanced Edition", you can find everything here http://www.enhanced.townofsilenthill.com/SH2/

MGS port is ok,

Sly is slighty better on ps2 for some gameplay mechanics/bug (watch some video on YT)

Zone of the Enders 2 was ported recently to PC and is enjoyable imo.
ZoE 2 is a lot easier to run using the native PC version. Using PCSX2 can test even really strong CPUs. It will depend on your computer, but you can easily get away with less then half the processing power needed to run the game in PCSX2 if you are playing the PC port. Also you can do VR with it, if you have the setup and can stand the high speed maneuvering without getting sick.

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