HELP!! Codebreaker and pcsx2 vs 1.0.0
HELP PLEASE!! Ok so here is the story at the moment I'm playing final fantasy X and I got codebreaker for it to get some cheats easy as pie first off I got the cheats I wanted and saved them the next day I wanted to change the cheats around but I wanted to start a new game I did exactly the same as before > select iso>code breaker loaded all the cheats then the dash was saying no cheats found I just thought it was because I haven't loaded the game yet but when I selected start game and swapped the ISo around to ffx before going back to codebreaker and pressing x from there again a message came up saying "no cheats found continuing with execution or something like that so my geme started and its was without cheats so I was there trying again and again messing with it for hours still nothing only to find when it looked good a few times after messing with hacks ect the message "no cheat found.." Yade yada I loaded the game and nothing but a black screen I had to keep exiting over and over and over again nothing seemed to work HELP please ASAP! I'm so frustrated! Sad

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It sounds like you are trying to use codebreaker directly on PCSX2. You don't need to do that. You have to make your own cheats. Esentially it's like codebreaker but free! Go here for codebreaker codes.

Rather than type out all the instructions, here is an older but still helpful Youtube video. This is how I learned how to do cheats a couple years ago.

Attached are the 2 programs featured in the non-functioning links.

Attached Files
.exe   CB2crypt.exe (Size: 50 KB / Downloads: 2.056)
.exe   ps2vers.exe (Size: 24 KB / Downloads: 1.468)
.txt   CB2crypt-readme.txt (Size: 8,04 KB / Downloads: 1.280)
And to add...punctuation really helps when trying to understand what it is that you need. You paragraph looks like one big run-on sentence. It was very difficult to read.
sorry im just abit frustrated ive been trying to fix it all day thanks so much for your help ill give it a shot =D
Did you try using Daemon Tools? I use codebreaker too. And it sound's like your memory card image might be too full. Try creating another memory card and trying the cheats again.
I've tryed everything I've even tryed starting it without a disk iso image but still no cheats are applying but now when I use code breaker then switch iso image the game dosent even start after inputting the cheats it's just a black screen and won't load up with a message in the dash error. 1 I can't remember exactly it starts with (EE) error 1. But that's after I selected the cheats nothing loads apart from that red error message or just a black screen.
Did you watch the Youtube video? He is not using a codebreaker disc. You do not need a codebreaker disc at all. Here is an example...
I have Final Fantasy X NTSC disc. I play it using the usual, either from disc or make an iso of FFX, whatever. Anyways when I go here
I see that I want the Al Bhed language translated.
The code listed is 2ADB137C 03FFFFFF .
But I can't use that in PCSX2. So, I use the CB2Crypt prgram I attached. I put in the above codebraker code on the left side and it decrypt it to a raw code on the right side. This leaves a result as 20319FF0 03FFFFFF . I need this code to make it work.
When I try to run the game I look on the emulog about halfway for the CRC which is 0xBB3D833A. All I need is the BB3D833A.
So I make a text file on Notepad called BB3D833A.pnach . Make sure it doesn't have BB3D833A.pnach.txt. It can't have the txt extension. Afterwards, place the code inside the BB3D833A.pnach file by typing patch=1,EE,20319FF0,word,03FFFFFF. Make sure this file is in the cheats folder and cheats are enabled in PCSX2. Turn on the game and load from memory card, not savestate. You should see in the emulog that it found the cheats. Attached is an example from my FFX-2 pnach file.

Attached Files
.txt   48fe0c71.txt (Size: 1,29 KB / Downloads: 626)
(01-01-2013, 09:31 PM)DaTankAC Wrote: Did you watch the Youtube video? He is not using a codebreaker disc. You do not need a codebreaker disc at all. Here is an example...
I have Final Fantasy X NTSC disc. I play it using the usual, either from disc or make an iso of FFX, whatever. Anyways when I go here
I see that I want the Al Bhed language translated.
The code listed is 2ADB137C 03FFFFFF .
But I can't use that in PCSX2. So, I use the CB2Crypt prgram I attached. I put in the above codebraker code on the left side and it decrypt it to a raw code on the right side. This leaves a result as 20319FF0 03FFFFFF . I need this code to make it work.
When I try to run the game I look on the emulog about halfway for the CRC which is 0xBB3D833A. All I need is the BB3D833A.
So I make a text file on Notepad called BB3D833A.pnach . Make sure it doesn't have BB3D833A.pnach.txt. It can't have the txt extension. Afterwards, place the code inside the BB3D833A.pnach file by typing patch=1,EE,20319FF0,word,03FFFFFF. Make sure this file is in the cheats folder and cheats are enabled in PCSX2. Turn on the game and load from memory card, not savestate. You should see in the emulog that it found the cheats. Attached is an example from my FFX-2 pnach file.

Just an appart, although correct in this case (because 2 is indeed the digit for word), better is using "extended" instead explicit length tokens (byte, short, word) for two reasons at least. First because you never need to change the original (raw) code; second to help making using "extended" the standard and avoiding the continuation of the deprecated method which may lead to many confusions later on (for instance, if a code is a short, which starts with digit 1 must be changed to start with 2 and later on may be hard to know if the value is a short or word in many cases). It's true that the explicit token would say the correct length but the point is so many people don't understand the principle and put "word" everywhere... very confusing and error prone.

PS: Actually "extended" is only to keep backward compatibility, if it becomes the standard it could be just eliminated, as the patch=1 and EE parameters that were meant to things which were never actually implemented to the extent I know. For example, patch=0 was meant so the code was to be applied once instead at each frame, a good idea but which has several issues which would need to be addressed and then is hardly used (actually I never saw it used and the attempts I did failed for the code were applied even before the save was loaded and then lost).

What that means is once extended, patch= and EE are treated as default, pnach could be simplified to accept the codes exactly like they come from the raw list. as to say... just the address and the value; the line in the above code would be just:

20319FF0 03FFFFFF

no complications... but would be a disaster in many cases where the old "byte, short, word" are used.
Imagination is where we are truly real
I guess that explains the reason for "extended." I have always used "word" because that's how I learned it a couple years ago. It just stuck with me ever since. I have never had a code not work due to the choice of the middle word, but this explanation is helpful.

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